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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/18 in all areas

  1. I just use the ESP, and when I see someone clearly abusing (I say abusing but really I just mean using all the options) I'll turn on my no sway / recoil, and aim bot. When you're first loading it up I'd suggest go into a match and just sit in a Bush fiddling with the settings since there's a ton of options for visuals. Ya know, get the distance at which you want to see others, get different colors for loot/ gear people have on, and then go on your Mary way. And to be honest I've only had one issue with the cheat. Sometimes the aim bot just will not hit anything I'm trying to hit, but you simply just turn the "aim bot" option off and on again and it'll work correctly. The chods team is more than helpful if you need any help, and have great security. Just recently there was a ban wave for our cheats, yes. But that was the first time the m this eft cheat was detected in around a year. So if great cheats and security are something you yearn for, this is by far the best place to go. I would like to thank the entire team for all the work they'd accomplished and wish yall luck!
    1 point
  2. Everyone I understand the growing anxiety that we all are having due to the ban wave and the updated anti cheat. We all want to enjoy the cheese and play the games I am more than sure we have put many hours into... I only joined in July and compared to the members who have been here for sometime, I am just a new guy on the block. However, I have nothing but good experiences being here and talking to trying to help each and everyone one of you, obviously to the best of my abilities. but to get to the point, We are a community and we support each other and including Chod and his team. They are working hard every moment to fix the issues to give us a secure and fun experience. WE MUST BE PATIENT. Chod and his team have only provided me with support and we should do the same for them and provide the support as a community should for each other. CSGO and EFT will come back soon and we can go back to having fun. Give them the support they deserve as they do for us. Cheers -SpaceMan
    1 point
  3. I didn't like either in terms of music. As a video it's fine I just don't think the techno and pop music really fits the scene
    1 point
  4. Service is on hold due. PC related issues. Should be back online in about a week.
    1 point
  5. I fixed your tags and made your name blue. ? @GeraltOfRivia
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Cyka blyat? That's hi in Russian right?
    1 point
  8. Welcome, hope to see you around!
    1 point
  9. I hate to break it to you but a lot of cheese from various boards have that feature too. BSG knew cheese was an issue and given the fact they've made little to no AC updates before this I'd say it's a long time coming. I don't think Chod could have done much different and he'd still be in this situation. It's a game of cat & mouse but BSG didn't bother chasing for over a year. If a feature is detected it is removed, for now, we don't know what exactly went wrong so it's just speculation.
    1 point
  10. Welcome friend. I can see why you would say that with a username like that one ?
    1 point
  11. Welcome m8 hope you enjoy your stay here! -cheers
    1 point
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