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Thoughts on your price?


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there is a chance that the cost of the cheat will be higher than the cost of the game.

 my opinion is that the first time the price will be high.  if demand is also high, the price will remain; if it decreases, then the price will decrease.

In general, we share the skin of an unkilled bear, setting a price for the goods which is not yet.

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For me it depends of the security of the cheat, if it can be "undetected" a majority of the time and doesn't give me account ban I would be willing to pay same price as game, but I refuse to pay more for a cheat than I do for the game itself. Battleye 's main priority will be to stop CHOD's cheat otherwise BSG is wasting there money so I am assuming BE will be coming at us full force once this cheat gets activated. It will be interesting to see how long it last in public consumption.....

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For Chod cheese there is no limit in my wallet.  ??

I use his cheat on EFT with my EOD edition  (tax. included about 210€ at the time) for about 1 years, and for me 18.99 GBP is a shame, more than happy to pay it 70 or even more for this kind of quality in a game with BE or EAC.


Online you can find insta ban cheat for more  than 30GBP very easy.

Here you can find nice cheese, fast help/support from the staff and a small and nice comunity.

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Super complicated thing for them I suspect, low cost and selling more would bring its own problems compared to too expensive and not selling enough.

Whatever they do I'm sure itll be worth it, over £40 may put it out of what I'm personally willing to pay but I wouldn't hold it against them for the work they do at all... I just wouldnt be cheesing EFT anymore because cheesing EFT's not worth that much "to me" - I'd still be here buying other cheats ^^

Edited by Rexx
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The pricing usually tells you how good the quality of the product is. For me I always use the "you get what you pay for"  way of thinking(hasn't failed me yet so far), and I usually do a little read up on the provider to see what the users has to say about the product and check a different provider for price difference. All in all I don't mind paying extra if it is a quality product.

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I just hope, that options for multiple months will be available.

I am fine with default 40/month if I can prepay with discount.

Also, I asked multiple times if some packages will be worked on, like buy 3 cheats with discount etc. That might be the best direction they go.


You still have to take it the way it is: business. Both us, customers, and them, providers, have this unwritten rules. With Chod being smart and pro-user the way he is, he will find the balance. If they place the price on double it was last time, and 30% ppl buy it -> its loss and we can expect lower prices. If they place in on double and 50%+ people buy it, it will stay that way because its profit -> that easy is it. So my guess, with EAC and BE being both highly protected,  the price will be same as Apex and it will stay that way for at least 3 months. Ppls subscribtions will run out, then some people will want to see if its wordh it and 3rd month will be the game breaker, its allways like that in business after pricing changes. People buy once and then they see if they can live without it.

Chods advantage is that once you tried his product you either cheese with chod or you dont. Because there is nothing comparable out there. And nobody downgrades, you just dont do that... 

Lets hope Chod can find the balance. Because 600gbp yearly is not affordable for me :(


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I personally can't afford a higher price for a cheat largely because my work and life schedule is sporadic, so I get maybe a week to 10 days of actual use out of a full month subscription.  This is also why i opt to use cheese,  not enough time to learn maps, do multiple hatchet runs in ETF and so on.   For me personally, It would be absolutely perfect to have a shorter term sub. 


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Sorta depends on the game, for me. 


The current price for the Apex one, for example, would be too much for me, as it's more a casual "hop into a quick match" kinda game. But for EfT? Item ESP alone can save you dozens and dozens of hours playtime just to find the silly quest items, plus save you from the twitchy godmode-AI. Let's you focus on the fun parts of the game much more.

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