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Everything posted by snakeofsin

  1. Noticed faceless post that was posted like a week ago. Seems like we will be back in business soon with any luck which is great to hear.
  2. Yeah i agree, it is a shame that they are down. But hopefully they can bounce back soon. I am little curious with no malicious intent but why is chods hit so hard while other EAC providers seem to be up for large part. Many spoofers were hit but Chod has no spoofing.
  3. yeah still checking on chods, waiting for the day when everything is back to normal. Hope you guys are all well
  4. Not currently playing world war z or sea of thieves but it's nice to see friendly people. Hope ur doing well too
  5. I suppose it was dead by daylight. Community was bit toxic so it felt frustrating to lose sometimes. Also it was a pain to farm bloodpoints without great amount of time investment. So i use this to farm Events and bloodpoints it is a shame right now that its down during the DBD event.
  6. Maybe not my place to comment but man i got to give credit to these guys, they have one of the most simeple software ever, i have gone through some serious trails and loops with some providers. Hope u get it solved man
  7. Customer is not always right tho. They provide the service and if ur not happy u can leave rather not salt about it. You should focus on solutions not bashing if you yourself do not understand things.
  8. I like the video , interesting choice of music however.
  9. What do you mean, clearly he is playing survivor? This cheat is both for killer and survivor perspective.
  10. I am new to this cheat as well and i really enjoy this cheat. Thanks for the video. Also that is tremendous amount of offerings.
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