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Everything posted by oldbomber23

  1. Patience young padawan!
  2. Fall Guy! No Idea What Engine, probably no anti-cheat at all. Massive new game, massive player base according to steam chart.
  3. Probably working out to increase strength, or using chod cheats to increase intellectual capacity
  4. Cyberpunk but was excited for New World but now it's not looking so hot. The mmo I'm excited for now is Ashes Of Creation. Also excited to pick a RTX 3080, but that's not a game.
  5. Interesting question but as far as I know, it's a no...BUT one of these mods should have the definitive answer! @Xpi @Faceless @WannaBeCarry
  6. I second this. Faceless is the go to man.
  7. HAHAHA lets keep it that way lol I support monogamy!
  8. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Does your wife know about your cheating habits? LOL kappa kappa jokes aside, welcome back!
  9. The big big big boss has spoken!
  10. Yeah Chod Cheats use to sell their own personal usb, and it looked pretty cool. Wonder if those will ever come back.
  11. LOL yeah I don't ever remember seeing a SoT cheese released by Chod yet. So like @Xpisaid how can it end when it has not begun? ?
  12. Ahh yes, another list your game post... I am still dreaming for a Valorant one but that ain't coming. 1. R6S 2. AnvilNext 3. Popular game, and I see a big potential market there for Chodcheats.
  13. I can vouch this is one of the best cheese community. It also isn't fucking cluttered to hell like some of those decade old cheese community IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. welcome
  14. NO I mean on your steam profile, does it say like EAC Ban or Vac Ban? All red color.
  15. Thanks for the new info! On your steam profile, does it show you got banned? The red words etc.
  16. You already been HWID banned?
  17. @jadin77If you're short by that small amount, contact the mod @Faceless and he can hook you up with sale from his cheese. Tell him dabomb123 sent you.
  18. Game is still very popular in terms of average player count, so I believe the cheese is most likely just on the back burner and will be back someday. I think DayZ cheese has more of a chance than CSGO so keep praying!!!! CHEESE FOR THE CHEESE GODS!
  19. Good review, friend. I give your review, a review of 14 out of 9 meatballs.
  20. No problem, friend! Glad I can help you, also thanks for the reaction lol. And yup, still in beta, been waiting for the names feature fix since I joined in May. Also I see you're still relatively new to the community, WELCOME! P.S. My one and only tip for Hunt cheese is don't do any of the obvious stuff, like consistent wallbang from very far away, and don't look directly at where other players are far away, etc. The way Hunt's anti-cheese works is after awhile with enough reports, EAC will begin monitoring your games and you don't want to give them any evidence to build a case to ban you.
  21. Well, welcome friend! This is a nice community with very helpful people. Just a reminder to read the FAQ to help out Mods by not asking the same question asked by 100 other people before like I did. LOL guilty as charged. Also this helps to stop the flooding of threads asking the samething. Anyways, glad you're here! Mods are very responsive, cheats get updated regularly and any downtime is always compensated so don't worry about losing time from cheese you paid for. Lastly keep in mind these are quality cheese but not ban proof, so don't abuse the cheats too hard or do any obvious giveaway in-game and you should be very very safe. Thanks again for joining the Chod Cheat Community.
  22. Currently disabled, and will be back sooner than you expect. No ETA, but downtime will be compensated so you don't lose any time you have left. :D
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