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Everything posted by oldbomber23

  1. @JohnWhite @WTFCharlie I agree somewhat as you can tell from my older posts in this thread, and that is why my solution is that aimbot for Hunt should be a VIP only feature to avoid ragers who would rage with aimbot consistently and constantly. Chod's Cheats have been mostly undetected, and most people get "detected" due to personal play and not the cheese being found out, so VIP only would solve most of that problem. Less ragers or to put it nicely, ignorantly careless cheesers, which would mean less attention being drawn.
  2. Well friend you've come to the right place! As I always say, it's nice to see a new face within the community! Thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats! The Hunt: Showdown cheese is very solid for the price, and with aimbot coming in the future but NO ETA. Also friendly notice, make sure to have a portable USB ready in order to use the cheese here, as recently some newer members bought cheese without reading requirements thoroughly. Hope you enjoy your stay, and thanks again for choosing CC as your cheese provider! ?
  3. oldbomber23

    Squad Review

    Beautiful review, absolute stunning. 23 out of 22 movie tickets, would buy and watch again!
  4. Yeah be more careful, friendo. Hope that all gets sorted out and you get a USB to try out Chod's Cheats! It's very top notch, and safe. ?
  5. oldbomber23

    Squad Cheat

    If your FOV CIRCLE was in the corner, probably just had to be updated, and it's already been updated I assume as it's up and running.
  6. Yes sir! Might be making a come back though!
  7. lol I don't try and justify cheating to myself. I just accept it, I'm a cheater. I enjoy it!
  8. Could always make a come back! ?
  9. I'll check it out! Thanks for making suggestions in the proper place! Appreciate ya!
  10. Wow that's a new one! First time hearing about cheese sub being moved to another cheese. Nice!!!!
  11. Maybe in the far future, friendo! As for now, from what I know, there is currently no plans for annual or lifetime subs. But we can hope and pray for it lol
  12. I see, hmm.. sorry to hear that. Fill out a support ticket to receive help from the administration staff here: https://chods-cheats.com/support/
  13. lol... I'm going to guess this issue has been resolved. ?
  14. This cheese is also for survivors. Welcome to Chod's Cheats!
  15. Hey, @IsolationLink sorry you've run a inconvenience, please fill out a support ticket to receive help from the administration staff here: https://chods-cheats.com/support/ ?
  16. Hey, @ThrotTheUnclean sorry to hear you're having some trouble. Please fill out a support ticket to receive help from the administration staff here: https://chods-cheats.com/support/ Hopefully that resolves your issue and you can get back to cheesing! ?
  17. Hey, thanks for the suggestion! As that should be in the process already! For future suggestions and the best chance for the Chod team to see em, I recommend to share them here: https://chodscheats.nolt.io/
  18. I can vouch for it, it's very safe! As long as you don't play obvious, and wallbanging everything of course. Anyways thanks for visiting Chod's Cheats and I hope you will give it a chance! It's worth it, friendo!
  19. Try to keep it English please, @Keno11 as written on the website rule #5. Inglés por favor, es la regla. Bienvenido a la comunidad y gracias por elegir Chod's Cheats. Por favor, mantenha-o em inglês, conforme estabelecido pelas regras. Obrigado por escolher Chod's Cheats.
  20. I'm guessing it was quite hard to crack that game, hence the price. Good features though that's for sure.
  21. Mordhau already out, so you know SoT coming, friendos!
  22. Please do not to insult other members, we like to keep this forum toxic free. Thanks. Keep comments respectful.
  23. Some of the discontinued cheese use to provide, I'm confident it will make a return. Anyways welcome to the community and thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats.
  24. I have not heard of Deadside HWID banning people. Don't think the game is big enough. Anyways welcome to the community, and thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats.
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