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tamedbeast last won the day on January 18 2018

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About tamedbeast

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  1. Yikes, been a long time since I was around here, looks like ruff times.
  2. No registered EU company would be stupid enough to make cheats for any game on Blizzard after HonorBuddy get sued to shit, also Blizzard has stellar in-house detection, literally killed the complete bot scene. They can literally detect any in or out of process applications. That being said I don't ever see Destiny 2 happening especially by Chods which is registered company not worth being sued.
  3. Thanks, but I never insisted on it being a priority.
  4. This game is promising and actually pretty good, any change we will see cheats for it? It appears they use EAC for anti-cheat and I can't find any legit providers that offer it. Currently, it's in open beta. Not sure if I can even post a link to the game so you will have to Google it.
  5. Me too, I'm waiting for ROS to come back up since the new season is out.
  6. Damn dude, they're in Thailand... and you're stuck in Germany... what a pity. Welcome to Chods mate.
  7. Thank you for your thoughtful review! Enjoy your stay!
  8. Welcome to Chods Cheats friend, have fun!
  9. Crypto is dangerous and bad long term investment. With Governments outlawing it, or planning on outlawing it, and with the trading platforms being monitored by the Governments it's just not ideal. Anyone that has traded or is an active trader you would know what Im talking about, while some people made it out rich early in the game that was awesome, but as it stands right now it's a bust. Bitcoin is not truly untraceable, unlike Monero.
  10. Welcome to Chods have fun!
  11. I do not play with Aimbot, it works, but really don't need it when you have instakill and unlimited ammo.
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