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About Icheese&Youdied

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  1. Hi I have a question: How can I change my name? I will change "FrankFranzen" in an other name. Thanks and a happy new year!?
  2. We want to buy, but we can nothing buy.
  3. Sorry for my english! EFT is progressed to an fucking game. You win when you play thousands of hours. Players who can play 24/7 they earn features like this: - no recoil - no steps - expensive accessories for seeing the other player Summarizes they have features like in a hack. And this is so ridiculous. No soldat in the real life can do this. And the goal from BSG is that EFT is a very realistic game. EFT is a game for streamers. When a streamer say to BSG that he want this feature or this feature than BSG do that.????? Therefor Chod we need the hack, I need the hack to fuck this people up.?
  4. 2 friends of mine have do a item esp hack. And one friend have found the red lab keycard. He has used his little hack. And he is not banned.
  5. Here my reasons to use the cheese:?? I am a normal person with a job and some hobbys. I would say I have a normal real life. But if you play EFT and you have no time for playing in the whole week: From Monday until Friday, then all the other players are leveling up so fast. Faster than you. And you are at level 13 and the other players at level 50+. I am a medium range player. And it is bad when some high level players fight against me. This players has better: Weapons, better ammunition, better armor. You know what will happens....☠️? This fucks me up so much. And you lose all the stuff. And on the other and the wipes. I have no time to play 200 hours or more to have all trades in the maximum level. And after that there comes this fucking wipe. And this costs a lot of precious hours from the real life. In my oppinion it is more important to learn for school, A level, university or the job.... When I use the cheese I can boost my level and the traders in a few hours at the weekend. After that and with 20.000.000 RUB a play without cheese. I have fun and I have not waste my time. And I have fun from one wipe to the other wipe. And last but not least: I will kill the character which is Nikitas character. ???
  6. My hackingstrategie in EFT: Do not kill players directly. My first shots do not hit the player and after that I kill him. Remember if we play EFT and we get killed with one shot then we think:"That was a hacker" But we have a shootout, then we spend no thought that that can be a hacker.
  7. I hope that the cheese get out in the year 2019. So I can play in the holidays.
  8. Yes, but we need the xp to level up the traders. And when the cheese is online we earn so much xp and so fast. And we kill all the super geared players who killed us. We hit them in the face. Yes we do that!
  9. The game is unplayable. The two important things are: 1. Money 2. High trader level. I mean level 3 is ok. The biggest problem of EFT are the weight of the player. I was a soldat and a weight of 25 kg in the backpack and the weapon and ammo and other stuff. If you weight 50 kg and more than you can not run and jump like a little deer. You need more food and water. You can not run fast and you can not run so long time. But in EFT player weight 100 kg and more and they can run like the little deer. And all the players who must go to work and can only play at the weekend they are in the smal levels. And the players who can play 24/7 it is clear that this kind of players reach high levels. And so many players use things they are similar to cheese and BE can not see this. All these points here make EFT unplayable or you invest so much time. An that is the reason why I use the cheesecake. Do you know that some people say that we must go into the prison?
  10. Today my friends and I we played EFT. We try the Prapor quest "Kill 15 scavs in woods" and I was killed from a hacker. After my dead I decided to play factory at night. And the same fucking bastard kills me. He has no night vision and no light on his gun and he can see all. And the other problem is for playing the lab you need therapist at level 4!!!!! And a labkey cost 300.000 RUB! What the fuck BSG????????? Now I decided to play EFT when the cheese is ready. Then I can rush all quests and level up the trades and after that with so 14 millions of RUB I play without cheese. You know BSG gives the streames big extra bonus: money, gear and so on and Chod gives us fine cheesecake.???
  11. I am so enjoyed. I have big tears of joy in my eyes.? Chod is the best.??
  12. I am playing the small edition. I use this for the cheese. I have one AK the other guns are pistols. Now I go into the raid and I get killed. In the last time this was not a problem. But now we have the after the raid healing and this cost so 9000-12000 RUB. If you died 10 times (This can go fast.), you lost 90000-120000 RUB + you must buy new gear. Level 15 and 7000 RUB not 2 millions! This is bad. And I have played a long time without cheese cake. But in 0.12 ist is horrible to have no money. Yes, woods looks so beautiful. But without money it is fucking bad. (sorry?)
  13. With the EoD you can play better than with the small edition. For cheese I play with the small one. But is is not longer possible to transfer the gamma into the small edition. This is bad.
  14. Thanks! Today I have played. Some runs in the factory. And y collect some stuff. The medics of the figure they cost much money. I have unlooked Jeager and now I can sell some amunitions.
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