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Everything posted by NovicaneZero

  1. What's with the bot that has DEVELOPER in its name? Is that a mod scavving in?
  2. Yes they have said previously the price will be around the Apex cheese so I would guess 35-55gbp Any word on the loot filter?
  3. You'll be disappointed by the chat if you do that.
  4. If the mods don't see this post make a support ticket and explain what you said here. They are usually very agreeable people and sometimes life happens.
  5. Feary hinted at another status update this week possibly with videos included. Be patient it's only Tuesday.
  6. Just wait until the cheese comes back and your lost time is compensated then you can use the chatbox.
  7. You need to have an active sub to use or see the chatbox. Keeps the spies out...
  8. Can I get my donor status back also? I'm aware I cancelled my supporter subscription Edit: cancel that just switched to desktop view it's there.
  9. I think it's to keep people from screenshoting it and posting it to Reddit like has happened many times in the past. But I may be wrong.
  10. Because you are no longer a customer maybe your sub ran out.
  11. Why even do that I hear concentration camps are all the rage now.
  12. I don't think so everyone just has to adjust there are MANY providers for R6 that stay undetected and that has BE also.
  13. Please read the FAQ that question is asked a lot. Yes you get back all down time.
  14. You need an active cheat sub to use chat box. Donator and supporter ranks don't count. Hope this helps.
  15. Lmao your on a cheat site preaching the dangers of selling steam accounts.
  16. Have bought 2 EOD accounts here for around $80
  17. @Feary Can you post a pic showing the rezerv bosses on esp?
  18. Invite everyone that had an EFT before the release of BattleEye. The whole idea of going private is to keep BattleEye employees out they buy the cheese and reverse engineer it to make it detected. The number of people using the cheese is more or less irrelevant as long as they don't work for BE. This forum has people from BSG and BE in it already.
  19. Only customers with active cheat subs can use the chat box. Donator and supporter ranks don't count. Hope this helps.
  20. That information is mentioned in this thread and many other already. But it is unknown if that cheese will be brought back online. I'm sure a status will be made when a conclusion is reached.
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