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Everything posted by makemeawesome

  1. Do you carry with us or need access to my account guys? After 5 years with Tarkov I am bored of early wipe, unable to use cheese for 2 years etc, but I dont want to give away or borrow my acc
  2. Hello Community, is there anyone who could help me out? Anyone who may know some legit trainer or cheats for Project Cars 2? PM me please if you know. (Mods, I know I cant promote other sites, but I thought this might be legit? Just ask for help? PC2 is old and not profitable anymore so I cant expect it from u, but need the stuff. If I am out of lane, feel free to delete and sorry for inconvenience.)
  3. Hi guys, quick confirmation. I saw so many posts with "you can move tarkov sub to another game" etc. This is not mandatory, right? I can keep my month of EFT still there to get it if it gets released? TY
  4. People are mostly complaining because there are still cheaters out there. You can see daily some speed-running mosling or opened doors somewhere, where it should not be possible -_- But I agree with waiting. I never had provider on level as Chod is, I am sad that I have to purchase PUBG and CSGO elsewhere, but I wont do it for Tarkov, while there is still hope :)
  5. Well, it has been down basically since last August. Then it was about twice up for about a day, once somwehere around xmass and then March. But it was quickly detected. Therefore team decided to keep it down untill its actually safe. Be patient.
  6. Chod says he is working on it. I would not give up, but definitely would focus on playing legit. Because if you become active right after cheese is out, its dead giveaway...
  7. Well, cheats obviously work even now. Was just on customs and found bottom doors on 2 story (wall side) open :D So somebody is out there providing. We will see banvawe soon.
  8. Already bought it, but lets be part of giveaway. I think I deserve one, sice I was the one coming up with the suggestion :D (just kidding)
  9. Thanks Face. I know that there is tons of cheat request, but I havent seen any Anti-Cheat so far so this one might be easy. Hope you guys hold up during the COVID fuck-up. GL
  10. Hey Guys, any chance to take a look how Deadside would be difficult? New Tarkov / DAYZ game? Since tarkov cheat is difficult to get up, can we get maybe this? Thanks
  11. Well, I would wait until the cheat is UP before talking about price vs value :)
  12. I was available few days back. Unfortunately people got banned and it got disabled. Just wait man. Its better to wait than to play 30 min and get hammered
  13. I would not worry about this. They say they will not wipe skills only after release. SO its about in 2045...
  14. Yeah, but ID verification is quite a bullshit. 1) you still wont know if that person is a spy or not 2) photoshop is powerfull bro, I could name myself Usama bin Laden and you would most likely not recognize its fake 3) you never know who has access to that, I would be up for it, in case I could blur my actual ID and leave name, face and shit like that 4) the whole point of chods and their low prices is that its not private. Imagine you go from (ALERT: WILD CALCULATIONS WITH NO BACKGROUND COMING) 1000 users who pay to 250 users only. So if ppl complain about price now, what would happen if they say OK 4* less users 4* higher prices. Like yes, I wanted to make myself trusted or at least somehow confirm I am not shitter from BE or BSG. Nobody replied how. So I kinda do not even know if its possible this day really really authenticate someone as real person.
  15. source? even if its Nikita himself, he never help any promise so...
  16. @BillNyeTheNaziSpy sorry for really late reply, but what the hell are you doing for a job that you have all this things done? I used to play basketball on the highest level in my country (europe) and also for national team under 21. We smoked weed all the fcking day and never got busted because of that. Like once I had to explain, so I said it was passive breathing in and everything was fine... I get it, the rules are harder when you are adult, but I stopped smoking when I grew up and my kids were born
  17. biggest reason for that is selfishness, i just cant wait ... I will start playing on this acc now, so it does not get detected as "started on cheat release day"
  18. man, before BE was implemented, people were hammered for nothing. my first ban in eft was like 2 days after buying the acc still in beta. no idea what i had done till today
  19. I think EFT does not support borderless. SO its possible that he tried to do that for some reason. But I am not sure why it would ban him. EDIT: but again, I got once banned by using process hacker. forgot to turn it off after I was trying to figure out some issue on my pc... and its even less harmless app..
  20. R6 does have different "version" of BE than EFT unfortnately. its not comparable. but lets wait for Chod. I have 2 burn accounts, one legit cheesing and one full legit account, so I will go in right away after release and see if we will live through
  21. Ok, I did some research about old nations and sacrficing. The problem is that what I found points to "unless its a human, it does not work". I am not sure if I would recommend to sacrfice a human being, newborn at that. The research gave me some bad memories, imma get nightmares now ..
  22. And what? Is there something wrong with me being old?
  23. Shit. Sorry. Now he can never play any game, because my guide how to purify harddrive from ban is not viable ?
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