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Everything posted by makemeawesome

  1. Its most likely activated by default. I had seen it only on company devices that its disabled in bios, no idea why, but every consumer device has this preactivated.
  2. I am quite sad, that people can have oppinions before they learn to read. Other cheese was delivered by other coder. Yes, the waiting is too long and many people moved to other sites, but as you said "they were hit by banwaves". Chod was allways focused on safety. I trust that he will finish until end of the year. He is not stupid, he knows people are waiting and people are leaving, he wants to deliver as soon as possible -> its money after all. So please stop being immature and crying before you read posts here. We all know it sux, but if you think its that easy, go and code it yourself :)
  3. lol, thats just fucking excuse. once you cheese you realize that when you and other cheeser meet, you ussualy walk away from each other, its safer than try who has better aimbot :D
  4. Mate, I play the game without the cheese, with quite OK 40% survival rate and about 8.5 KDA. But, I have found like 0 rare items, I cannot even find stupid GPU, every high-loot place is empty from some good spawn mofos or dudes with esp/stamina hack (I saw dude run around me like fckin usain bolt ignoring me, just running the server-room houses for money). So yeah, mosinman in bush or doorcampers are annoying, but they are even with the hacks if you do not want to be 100% obvious. Why I miss the cheese most is the LOOT! I do not have time to play daily or put 12 hours on weekend into the game, I have kids, work, wife, house to take care of so when I want to play on the evening, I am sick of not finding stupid item to progress in quest for 3 fckin weeks. (I still have only 2 out of 3 flashdisks for Jager-_- for about 2 weeks into the quest.)
  5. 1st I bet there will be "Another Another Another Progress Update" 2nd there will be bigass flag above the topic, like there is for DBD 3rd there will be quadrilion people talking about EFT being online so trust me, you guys will know when it goes up
  6. Guys, raging or not does not matter against BE. BE looks for shit running in your PC interfering with EFT. So for BE it does not matter how you behave, but how well Chod can hide the cheese. Your behavior has to be careful when playing against players who might be streaming. I fucked once one streamer badly and when checked his stream immediately they were talking about me being suspicious.
  7. Just to add on Xpi: Basically if you rage and aimbot everything on map, you have higher chance getting banned if you do this to some content creator. I watch twich a lot so i know the biggest names, I recommend to do the same to avoid rekting some streamer and getting banned by human. Watch our for the mods and coders with different account icons too! Also, there are a lot of guides to "safer" cheesing, like never watch someone through wall, use silent aim, etc, just read it through. I played sometimes with a team and to not get "detected" by your teammates I just carried thermals, big scopes etc. I recommend to KNOW the game good before you start cheesing. I played for like 2 years before starting with cheese and know the map plus have the ESP allows you to get really good vantage points. You will get your own playstyle in week or 2, you will figure out what suits you. For players I mostly used ESP only with aimbot on on/off button in case I needed help with my actual aim on short range, but mostly I took M700, some 50x scope and practiced my long-range sniping ability :) This is where aimbot wont help you at all, the drop of bullet and movement of players requires you to know how to shoot and makes the cheat hard to "human-detect" if you know how to hide the esp with some artificial "looking around".
  8. I tried to send them money, but I am at work on business trip and they keep returning it to me with "send it from non-vpn locaion" :D :D I will be home like 4 days and then again to switzerland ... soooo i guess i wont be sending anything :(
  9. Lol, in EFT when you have ESP you just avoid fights on short distance Biggest fun I had with cheese was to get sniper rifle, turn on ESP only and just snipe someones ass on 500meters. On woods I got kill on smthing like 550m So since there is no replay system YET and if you know how to "scan" with really good scope you can easily snipe and not be suspicious. Because once you find them its all up to your skill
  10. So, I should just wait? Is this how its done? I already have ban on DBD So I cannot play that and I do not want to buy new DBD acc since I am too lazy to login to different steam accounts, despite I have like 4
  11. Yo, does donator have access to chat? If yes then SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
  12. *thinking about buying DBD cheat just to get to chat ...
  13. You know, in case you get banned: that comes with the cheese - I understand they do not want to pause. Leaving to vacation -> you plan to to buy the subscribtion or you do not care if you have 6 months, because its way cheaper. Imagine you buy GYM access from July to August and they tell you sure but you can come from December to January... You buy subscribtion when you can use it, if you cant use it during timeframe you selected its your fault. But if someone move this timeframe, they have to adjust for others a bit!
  14. There is no way to know when will what happen. I did not want time-table speculations here, I just wanted to know if they can freeze my sub in this special circumstances, where you basically would be forces to use the subscribtion in timeframe you did not select. So please do not post any "it will take 2 years" posts and crap like that. There is tons of other topics where you can complain bro...
  15. Hi Guys, quick question. I just learned that I will spend either whole december or january on business trip, without the option to play. Once the EFT is released, the sub (which is about 4 weeks remaining for me) will unfreeze. Can it get frozen only for me? I know you do not pause cheese, but in this special case, where we bought on period where we know we can play and now I would get it on period where I wont even be home, can there some adjustments be made? Because basically I would have no way to play on sub I paid when I knew I had whole month at home. If you are afraid I am trying to scam you, I can provide some evidence, like scheduled flights etc... Thanks
  16. OK. Thats expected temperature with this cooling. Other options, have you checked your GPU drivers settings? Similar behavior is possible with for example Nvidia Screencapture (dont remember the name) sometimes. Or if you have some special program for Network card. Do you maybe use Killer or similar program? I had issues for example with Nahimic in WoT games. Crashing every time I launched it until I removed Nahimic.
  17. check your heat on CPU when playing EFT. only a few games stress out CPU like EFT does and 9900k is quite shit with heat management. all-in-one watercooling is nice but less effective than good noctua, so its quite possible your CPU is overheating. try to run some CPU benchmark and see. reason why other games work is simple- most games have bottleneck in GPU which wont overheat if working fine. EFT has allways bottleneck in CPU if your setup is balanced. I have 1080ti too (the 11Gb version) and it never uses more than 40% on EFT? while my 7700k is running 90% all the time. I have around 60-65 celsius while playing eft, having presurised cooling in my pc, when I play other games I ussualy jump around 50, so overheating might be a thing
  18. The problem is, that there is tons of people with running sub, so we will go in the very first day. but I think its good test. if the initial wave survives without ban, the cheese will be definitely secure. And with the amount of work Chod is putting into this, it will be good. Everything can be worked around, even BE.
  19. Dude, this was mentioned like 50 times on this forum, that CHOD only works on EFT and other coders on other cheese. What is worse: people who cant read and ask stupid questions that were already answered multiple times in all big topics, or those who lose patience? This people are passively aggresive because they are unable to dedicate 5 minutes to find out answers. Either ask politely admitting you are to lazy to lookup and people will politely answer, or post stupid post thats not true but expect the pushback...
  20. HMM, Chod is only coder for EFT - does DBD sound like EFT? <<<------ back to preschool bro
  21. Can we buy him like fridge full of red-bull to concentrate harder?
  22. Uh, man. As far as I know, there is multiple team of coders. Chod is working on EFT, others are working on other cheese. Its like with people complaining about added features to EFt instead of fixing the lags. Multiple teams solve multiple issues and work on multiple staff. Its like you driving your car to car repair shop and demand them to fix your washmachine. LIke - they fix shit so whats the difference? Good rule would be "STOP BITCHING ABOUT THINGS YOU KNOW SHIT ABOUT".
  23. I would not be that harsh on this people. Its their right to ask. Everyone here is waiting and impatient, someone just has the need to share it. Some of this people actually bought the sub and now they wait. Imagine you buy a car and they tell you, yeah we will deliver it someday - and then you wait....
  24. This wont work for sure. Most fun is to hunt and troll players, and also best gear comes from players. I do not think we should permanently limit the cheese. I just think it should not be released to ALL people at once.
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