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Everything posted by makemeawesome
Thats actually good More free loot for us and more money for nikita when this guys try free cheats from youtube
Yes, price will be expensive than before. But as I said about 10 times already to all questions: Its just business. Price is not something that defines value of the product -> price is how much customers are willing to pay. In the end its about profit and profit only. Nobody is gonna put price on 100 just to get 10 customers, when you can put it to 50 and get 100 customers... So my advice is: DO NOT ASK, WAIT -> decide maximum ammount you want to put in and then buy or not. you will not convince them by begging for less money, you will only piss chod off and force lazy admins to lock valuable thread after reading one comment. I bet you that the price is already been decided. Its gonna be soon as you all can guess since preparations are coming along. So go enjoy some chod-free tarkov because in few days, us who will be lucky and the price will be under our max range will tear the streets of Tarkov apart!
Well, its simple ... 99 per month is crazy and I do nto think many people would buy this. but you can clearly see that its some test of sorts. Most likely EFT comin soon
Just take this as same business you get everywhere else. Business needs customers, happy customer brings another customer. With SHITLOAD of scamming sites and 2-day-ban-cheat websites out there, you found one of the few legit ones. And team here will workhard for that, thats why there is almost none negative comments about Chods on other sites...
the "TEST" is there, which is cheat about to be released ... only one missing and promised "about to be released" is CS:GO. we can then safely assume that cs:go is on ridge of the release and its being tested. also, I am sure that if they would discontinue cs:go they would refund you, people like Faceless or Sofly may tell you more, but even in FAQ you can read that they are open for discussion. and trust me, lose 20 usd to keep good name is nothing. name is everything in business, especially in business like this! I read somewhere on the forum that the cheat was still working fine prior the re-code so this is another reason this should work. I have account here for about a year and the community here is awesome for a reason ... chod and his team gave us 0 reasons to doubt them..
Dude, they mentioned multiple times in the conversations, that they are gonna bring back all cheats. CS:GO has like no major updates and there is 0 reason to discontinue the product for the team. Also, CS:GO is still one of the most played games, therefore I would guess it sits on the top of the sales together with EFT and APEX, so tell me why would they want to give it up? In case they would remove CS:GO they would immediately inform us. Trust the team, Just see how many people here is waiting for EFT cheat for freaking 3 months, and people are still here, still waiting... If you have any experience with other sites where cheese is sold, you must see that huge gap in behavior, skill and procustomer approach between them and chods team...
Maybe this is the TEST cheat they have there? I think that CS:GO base is second in size after EFT...
I just hope, that options for multiple months will be available. I am fine with default 40/month if I can prepay with discount. Also, I asked multiple times if some packages will be worked on, like buy 3 cheats with discount etc. That might be the best direction they go. You still have to take it the way it is: business. Both us, customers, and them, providers, have this unwritten rules. With Chod being smart and pro-user the way he is, he will find the balance. If they place the price on double it was last time, and 30% ppl buy it -> its loss and we can expect lower prices. If they place in on double and 50%+ people buy it, it will stay that way because its profit -> that easy is it. So my guess, with EAC and BE being both highly protected, the price will be same as Apex and it will stay that way for at least 3 months. Ppls subscribtions will run out, then some people will want to see if its wordh it and 3rd month will be the game breaker, its allways like that in business after pricing changes. People buy once and then they see if they can live without it. Chods advantage is that once you tried his product you either cheese with chod or you dont. Because there is nothing comparable out there. And nobody downgrades, you just dont do that... Lets hope Chod can find the balance. Because 600gbp yearly is not affordable for me
Hey man, 1st I woul dadvise to use english, its one of the rules and you do not want the admins on you. Second, the chat is not support chat, its just shoutbox to talk to others. Its currently accessible only to customers, since they enablex APEX. You will become customer again once you either buy your cheese or yours subscribtion will get renewed if you already had before the refresh.
Yo, you just really want me to buy the Apex to chat But Please, can you just inform me if there is some option for sale in case of buying more cheese to multiple games?
Well, one more question - you guys are gonna kill me for asking but: I know that cheats that expired are gonna be renewed. I paid for month like 3 days before cheat went off BUT: Will this happen automaticaly? Because the moment cheese goes up, I am stopping anything I am doing, work, workout, wife, whatever and I am going to play EFT. Like 1 week no sleep, no eat... So should we start creating tickets and so on? Or this happens automaticaly the moment you activate the new cheese? Also, can you please return the shoutbox to us? At least temporarily untill the cheeses are up? Like dude, what should I do at work when I cant chat here? Work?...
Ah, hmm, thats weird, i was getting it every time, now I do not get it at all. I use secure browsing tho, so I do not have to delete my cache etc. Saves the trouble with EAC and BE - heard that they are able to check cache if some "flagged" website was opened. Seems like hoax to me, but better safe than sorry. Anyway, I havent changed the way I access Chods but the 2-step stopped appearing. And also! Dude, you have fast replies! One of many reasons I love Chods is just how fast the "customer support" is (sorry to call you that). Thats freaking better than Microsoft, Apple and Google combined.
Hell, I just maybe start playing Apex only because EFT aint up yet. Do you guys know if there is some feature like wombo-combo package where you can get 3 cheese with discount? And also, why there is no like 3 month renewal on apex. If EFT goes up to 40, its lots of money and I rather pay up for 6 or at least 3 months, if some better pricing is offered.
Hi, for some reason about 2 days ago chods stopped asking for the 2-step auth. key. Is this correct? did you guys make any changes? Thanks
(1) We know you guys do your best and that its not easy. Its just really really hard. (2) In my company the testing allways takes the longest piece of the pie. I think people like me who are offering the help do not want the cheese to play, but to really help out with the bugs etc. Like, I am an software analyst, I can report out shit the way you never saw before So just take it the way we wanted to help out, not trying to get hands on cheese any way possible. We really appreciate what are you doing and I trust that you want the cheese up as much as we do, even if you all had regular jobs, the income from this is missed i bet. So I know you guys do your best. But you know, with this long pause, people just chat around about other stuff, other cheats and other bull.shit just to stick around. I post here because I check the forum baiscally every 3 hours, knowing that it wont be up, but still doing it. So please ignore us talking about other things, please give us the leevay so we can busy our stressed minds
I thought that they "added" BE and not replaced theirs. If yes, that might actually be easier for Chods. It gives us chance for the future...
It was almost nothing last game, if you lovered the ESP for items. For "regluar" games I just set it to 15m and follow the "loot path". For the crazy loot runs, just pick from the filter (which I hope will be smarter) what are you looking for and set it to maximum The only issue I encountered was small lag when new scavs spawned, but I guess its normal since you register tons of new entities in one moment.
I think that its logical nothing will be relased shortly after 0.12 hit. We all know that BSG makes such a mess after update and then updates 5 times a day for a month to fix it. And even the small 20mb updates have to be checked before cheat can be up and running. It does not make a sense to release cheese and then make it offline every few hours. We just have to wait until BSG is done with daily updates and Chod is 100% sure that the cheese is safe. About the frequent question -> ETA. In my job I frequently have to write scripts and work with PowerShell, and other languages.Small little projects like script to copy Access rights from one account to another is about 100 lines. Its ussualy done in one hour with tests and everything. When something goes wrong, it can be 8 hours. Imagine how much code must be in the Cheese to bypass everything BSG is trying to throw under Chods legs. If you can make 8 hours of out 1 in 100 lines, imagine the potentional gap on about 1KK (1 000 000) lines that maybe Chod is writing? So Yeah, Chod can say its gonna be week of job, then BSG changes lil shit and he is checking 1000 lines to make sure its still valid. I cant wait for cheese, I can not say how many times run through fckin Reserve looking for some items, finding nothing, how many times I tried to pickup the quest for Jager and got sniped from brush, how many times I died from camped dude on random corner or rushed just face to face with scavboss. Yeah, I miss cheese because of this random shit. But please, do not push Chod to release early. I want to play, not explain to my wife why I spend another 150€ for a new EFT account...
Cool, thanks. No more questions :)
I already asked that. I have 2 standard accounts villing to sacrfice:)
Hey Face, thank you very much for the info. Virtualization you mean in BIOS i assume? I will follow your advices :)
Hi guys Faceless posted new injection guide, part of which is troubleshooting steps. This steps are ONLY for situation when there are issues, or some should be used as precaution? (Resolution, borderless, etc) Also, I am failing to find guide, what exactly is recommended and not recomended to run and do while injected, such as: - can I alt-tab from injected game to my other screen? (often checking some tast guides or what item should I pick ) - can I record the game with any software or if I want to make some cheat video again, I should use specific program? - windows build required will be released again? (so we know if to update or not) - Any "best practice" guides what to disable or/and ingame while playing with chods? With last cheat I just didnt alt-tab and searched on phone - which is slow and stupid, I even power off my secondary screen and I downloaded stupid fraps to catch videos because i know its 100% local app. I want to enjoy the game more, not just be scared what all i cant do. Thanks
You know, its not bad to play PvP without cheats, its still easy as people are quite slow at the game. But the pain of trying to find shit and not knowing where it spawned, thats horrible. Like I have survival ratio of 55% on lvl 15, i dont have money to insure my shit, to buy required items and I allways run around fckin whole maps trying to find scav bosses or high loot unsuccessfully... I cant wait for the item ESP...
But if you need to review the anti cheat, it means that the cheat itself is up and running:)
You mean that you are ready to release? Holy crap! Cant wait. If you need some test sheeps I have spare account or 2 for testing.