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Everything posted by sofly1911

  1. Ah who knows. Maybe when something good gets released I might take interest.
  2. They will only think of making a new cheat if the game has a large enough player base, and the community requests i think.
  3. Just seek your greatest desires. ?
  4. I don't listen to music, even game music always turn it off.
  5. Just wait because it will be ready when its ready, no ETA's are given here. Be happy its a week day.
  6. How do you like those trident rgb? Can you synchronize them?
  7. Very nice and detailed review.
  8. Its your opinion non the less i wanted to understand your reasoning. Nice review though.
  9. Dont be shy lets see what youre working with.
  10. Congratulations man, well deserved!
  11. No. Not my type of game but maybe there's enough here that would.
  12. Just do what you do man. Its very unlikely anyone get invited for VIP unless forums is all you do with your life Haha.
  13. Hope you are enjoying your stay!
  14. You are definitely right about the complaining on downtimes. Little do they know its for their own good. Nice review man.
  15. Shoutbox is always nasty during down times. Enjoy your stay!
  16. sofly1911


    Hope you've been enjoying your stay? Haha
  17. I have never used loot to me. When i play i try to look legit as possible and that is another good fact why i haven't been banned.
  18. Now that you a happily using it, it would be nice to see your new review..
  19. So you weren't searching in the right direction. Idiotguy's guide
  20. You received quick support and things were fixed right away so why the 8/10?
  21. Yes he means feature, I initially thought it was a review for the forum moderators haha. But they're good too ?
  22. Yes the ESP works flawlessly. To me its all i need and everything else is just a little extra for fun.
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