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Everything posted by NekiMous

  1. Well I just lost the subscription I had for EFT so access to the discord, it's a shame ...: /
  2. Hello, i need 1] The Division 2 (Solo Priority) 2] Plateforme: Uplay Thank you
  3. Thank you very much Faceless for the return, we trust you, and we know you are doing your best
  4. Cheating is and will always be detectable at some point, after everything happens behind the screen and the keyboard, if the user does anything, he must assume, if he cheats in quiet mode, no worries. When you buy access to cheat, you must know the consequence whether it is 5 hours after or 30 days after ...
  5. Cheating is a plus in a video game, whether it's Multi or Solo, we cheat for various reasons, or we are bad, or we want to have stuff easily, or kill many players, or find other cheaters (my case) but the risk was present, is present and will always be present, if you are afraid of being caught, do not cheat, this will avoid a wave of hatred. To say that BE accentuates or not the thing, it is semi-true, but there are gifted teams which will be able to circumvent the anti cheat and the incompetent who promise world & wonders but in the end, from the 1st activations it is BanLand ! The Chod's team, I fully trust them, I have already lost an account with their software, but it's my fault because I have abused the options! But I played with a second account which made it several months without problems, so I stay here and I wait. I have full confidence! Do the same or take the nearest checkout with your secure pouch account
  6. Can someone explain the method please? It's interesting to know Thank you
  7. Thank you for this news, always present and ready to play with the filters objects, the kills I men plug personally. You are doing a good job and continue we are all with you. Strength and honor.
  8. Thank you for this feedback, thank you for the work you provide. See you soon for new information.
  9. I do not know what to say following the appearance of the 1st program. Congratulations to you, we believe in you! (I speak for a lot, I guess) Count on my support and my feedback on different games. Good luck to all of you. Customer for over a year and only one ban because of my stupidity and lack of precaution!
  10. I would not want to say that, but I think the test is internal to the team to avoid any leak ... so I think the answer will be negative. Let's be patient, it will happen soon, in the meantime play without cheese
  11. Thank you for the report, courage! You are the best !
  12. Thank you for this return, at least we know that you are more or less on the home stretch, the real ones will stay, the others will leave, then the current games are very good, no need for more of my point of view. Strength & Honor to the team
  13. Hello everyone, I was never banned from chod because of their program, but only by my stupidity, because I bypass the locked doors, that's what caused my loss ... otherwise remained "legit" and everything will happen for the best
  14. Let's wait patiently, we sometimes wait a few times, but the result is more than satisfactory, that's why I stay at Chod's because it's a safe bet and it does not bother me to put my hand to the CB to support them. ( Even if cheating is bad huh!;) ) // Good luck and take the necessary time so that we can play without worry. Good luck ! Regards a Frenchman.
  15. Hello Chod's and Team, Thank you for this news which at first gives a little disappointment because of the wait but in the end promises beautiful things If our respective subscriptions are returned when everything is finished, it does not bother me and encourages you to work hard and you can count on my support and follow up to stay in your ranks, because never disappointed your service (one ban but the fault to me) Good luck and hope we have news from time to time, so as not to feel abandoned Thank you
  16. Hello community, I think the question had to be addressed, but do you think for a moment Chod's team will do a cheat for the game The Division 2, I think a lot of people will subscribe to it. I thank you in advance ! And keep up the good work! Thank you
  17. Thank you ❤️ For Tarkov and Represent Chod's Team ! Yeah !!!
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