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Everything posted by JulianEph

  1. Welcome to chod's cheats!
  2. Paypal only. PRIME<>GOLD NOVA 1<>66 WINS<>205 HOURS,CSGO481 ($30) NEW steam account with CSGO game ($10) OVERWATCH<>PRIME<>MASTER GUARDIAN 2<>239 WINS<>572 HOURS,CSGO478 ($50) [PRO MMR] [PRIME] GE ( THE GLOBAL ELITE || 536 MM || MINIMUM 520 HOURS || OVERWATCH ) ($200)
  3. They will not choose you at 30 minutes, I have been here for 1 month or more and I have not been chosen, it is a question that they see that you are trustworthy.
  4. JulianEph


    What is this? haha
  5. Welcome to chod's if you have a problem with buy hack's send me a pm.
  6. Estou sem PC até segunda-feira, assim que tiver contato.
  7. Welcome to chod's. If you need a reseller send me a pm.
  8. Thank you for the giveaway! PD: I send you a pm.
  9. I sell accounts of the following games: CSGO account $10 Rust account $12 PUBG Account $22 Rocket league $5 If you want an account of another game just leave me a message in this post and told you the price. If you are interested in buying send me a private message.
  10. Welcome to chod's community! If you have questions or some problem send me a pm!
  11. if you have a problem make a ticket in this link: https://chods-cheats.com/support/
  12. Welcome to chod's if you have questions or problems send me a pm!
  13. At this moment the hack is not updated. But the moment chod sends the update our hacks are undetectable as long as you do not use it in an obvious way.
  14. H1z1 is a invited only, you need to be a trusted member to buy h1z1 hack. If you a trusted member you have access to: h1z1 , rust , pubg.
  15. Welcome to chod's cheat community! If you need to buy a cheat send me a pm. I'm reseller.
  16. Can you create 1 for me? Please They need to say "Reseller"
  17. I don't like the game but if i started to play i send you a pm. Thank you.
  18. JulianEph


    Welcome to chod's! If you need something send me a pm!
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