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Everything posted by Crookzie

  1. Hey, welcome to our community!
  2. ah sorry, yeah it's Customer only, my bad... I missed that! edit: Seems like a good reason to become part of our Community
  3. It seems that Dexter has already made one btw: Credits to him!
  4. Hmm, I could look into it later, make some nice tools that could be used by the community
  5. Joro, provide me with the registry locations and I can make a small tool, maybe provide it to the Chod community
  6. Please don't call it hacking, it's not related That being said, I understand why people are coming up with possible solutions, which is great. But think of it, 5 post before you can buy? that's done in under 10 minutes... Who will spend the time to verify if you have 5 "legit" posts... There are only a few ways to (not 100% secure) prevent a leak. Of which the most common one is making the cheese private (which none of you would like since most of you don't have the status to buy the cheese in that case). I'm very glad that people are willing to think about ways to prevent such things from happening, but try to be reasonable on ways to solve this "issue".
  7. I'm not a psycho I put the cereals in first...
  8. Welcome to the community! It's really worth the wait I can tell you that!
  9. Hey, welcome to our community!
  10. I like the way the interface is done on all games, in general it's an easy to use Cheese with loads of options. And also the community which comes for free and has been great
  11. reading his inventoryStash memory address
  12. Name: Bobby Location: Netherlands What you do(work/school..): I'm an IT Support engineer / studying Software Engineering Age: 27 Languages: Dutch/English/German/French Online for x hours a day: (mostly I'm online at work and got plenty of time to browse on the forum. Also got time in the evening /weekends so about 4-6 hours/business day and 6-10 on the weekend days.) Experience with our products: SoT/CS:GO (RC also)/EFT Relevant experience: As it says in my job description, I'm an IT Support Engineer, I handle support tickets for a living. Why you think you would be good for this position: I'm a multi-language support engineer, willing to spend my time on the forum to help out. Anything else: I like what I do for a living and would like to expend this task towards my hobby.
  13. ooow sickkk faceless count me in for EFT =D btw, got time for RL?
  14. GL everyone, count me in and thanks for this awesome giveaway!
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