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Everything posted by baloodk

  1. There is a big player base now in arena breakout infinite. Can we make a cheat for it. Like tarkov in old times
  2. Why are you sus? You can check it in cheat status
  3. 2/10 Aimbot, it does need alot off work, there is no pred, on air to air battle, 3/10 Esp, it also needs alot off work, it doesnt show you airplanes if not close, you cant use it if you and ground battles, it will show train, recon and so on, its very basic, and does need work on more precis, and also it only show close airplanes. it need missel esp, also
  4. Maybe you guys can make cheat for the dat before :)
  5. That sucks. I used eft hack when it was working. Still using the same eft acc. Never got banned
  6. And chods cheats are trust worthy
  7. You need to make a ticket, the staff will help you
  8. Or buy a new hardware ?
  9. I have waited the passet 2 years and ill still wait❤❤
  10. I tried everything when i used eft and deadside. Never got banned. Its pretty save
  11. You can write it as request. ?
  12. Same here. Ive never checked other sites cuz i only trust chods. They are my first and last. And almost daylig i check the website
  13. Yea but I played it when it came out. Never got a ban. And I still have the same eft account
  14. I had the pleasure to be here in many years i played with the eft hack when it came the first time and I used it for 2 years. Chod is my first and only site i trust. Never get banned. I Hope and it almost seems like chod is making a comeback and iam happy to see it ❤❤?? ill be the first to buy dayz hack! Loooking forward to use it. Cheers
  15. so recently SCUM is getting more players and making a comeback. there is more player base now. and many is looking for hacks for it. it have the same anticheat as DEADSIDE. is there any chance maybe u guys consider to make a great hack for it. like ur the best to do those stuff :p- Name off the game : SCUM ENGINE : Unreal Engine 4 Why : SCUM getting more people now after the updates. and many people looking for hacks for it, and there is almost none. ANTICHEAT : Easy Anti Cheat I know guys u can do it and i only trust u, and for sure there will be many that will get the hack from u guys !
  16. so recently SCUM is getting more players and making a comeback. there is more player base now. and many is looking for hacks for it. it have the same anticheat as DEADSIDE. is there any chance maybe u guys consider to make a great hack for it. like ur the best to do those stuff :p-
  17. So i started with chods like 2 years ago when i used eft hack. I used it alot and never got banned. Still got the same account. Now deadside played almost everday with all the Things in the hack. And no ban or anything if u follow what chods recomend. I want just to thank you from all my heart and for the great job ur doing for keeping os hacking and safe ???❤
  18. I have now been a Chods member for about 6 months and I will still be because they are the only ones who respect their customers, help them in every way, and when you need help, they answer it in such a short time . they always up to date with the hacks and making sure that no costumer get banned ! in the whole time ive been here i never got banned from the games ! have not someone like them, even my mobile customer service is not so fast as them! therefore I would like to thank you for the great effort! Cheers guys ! keep up the good work !
  19. gj dude ! i dont have to be in the draw but good idee and good luck for all of you guys :p
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