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Posts posted by Chod

  1. Well its taken a while, we had a whole overhaul of some of our core components as they were getting a bit tired and outdated and causing some sporadic bans with some games. But its worth the wait as we now have a secure and stable platform from which to move forwards. We can't say too much about this new technology at the moment, but we are quietly confident that it will allow is to deliver some really big cheats for some of your most beloved games in the near future. 


    For now, we are very pleased to tell you that we have brought our DayZ cheat back online and our Hunt: Showdown cheat. Both cheats have been getting some ugprades during their down-time, including full mod support for DayZ including breaching charge, keycards, and all the popular mods. Hunt has had a performance overhaul, now making the aimbot even more accurate, though we are improving that even more.


    We really want to thank you for your patience, it has been a long time since we were able to offer these cheats but if you're reading this it means you stuck around and it will hopefully be worth the wait.


    Future plans

    As I already alluded to, we are now in a position to start seriously looking at taking on some of the big games. No names yet but you'll want what we'll have to offer.


    P.S. All subs for DayZ and Hunt were fully compensated

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  2. Hi everybody,


    We have made the difficult decision to increase all of our prices by 10%. This is not a choice we want to make or take lightly but due to all of our costs increasing (server hosting, accountancy fees, etc etc) we have been forced to meet this increase or face a loss. We know there is a lot of global turbulence at the moment, so we hope that once things settle down we will be able to return our prices back to what they were previously. 


    We did some comparisons before making this choice and learned that even with a price rise, we are still one of the best value cheese sites when compared to our competitors. Hopefully you are able to stick with us, as a reward for your loyalty we have increased the points earned in the membershop. 


    Also, we are adjusting the length of the Rust subscription from 10 days to 30 days for free, so everybody with an existing sub will get more extra days, and everybody buying a new sub will pay the same price but get 30 days instead of 20.


    Thanks for your understanding and loyalty,


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  3. Due to unforseen circumstances we have made the choice to cease supporting Apex Legends and BF2042. This wasn't an easy choice to make but its in the interest in our continued operation that we've come to this decision.


    All subs will expire naturally so you will get everything you've paid for.


    Thanks for all our Apex and BF subscribers for sticking around :) 

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  4. 13 minutes ago, Spencer said:

    Chod, I would like to apologize to you. I stand by my comments about your staff however. If they can't tell us because of concerns about the anticheat devs finding things out, then I totally understand that. Why can't they just say this in Discord instead of being rude to the very people who are buying your service? That's bad business, and no matter how rude that may sound, that's what I experienced. You personally responding does change my opinion about you, though. I hope you will accept my apology about comments concerning you. I understand customer service sucks. That's just how it is though. If we just bought something from you and then it doesn't work, we have every right to ask why. When you're rude to people who give you money it makes them not want to give you money.

    That's very noble of you to say so, especially publicly, and of course I welcome your apology humbly. Regarding your other comments, I have taken them on board, with others, and will act accordingly in line with the values core to the business.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, cheatingus said:

    I like how he doesn't address at all the fact that people like Feary are complete assholes lol. The whole lot of you can get bent tbh.

    That's not very nice. As I said, I stand by my staff as they stand by me. We are united and share the same values, if you feel like Feary is an asshole I can only presume he treated you like one; a sentiment I share in all honesty.

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  6. In light of the recent troubles concerning Easy Anti Cheat, I thought it would be best that I address the issue personally, having read some of the disturbing comments circulating about us. If I can address those primarily: 





    Stuff like this just makes me sad. For our own customers to accuse us of being lazy and unfaithful just hurts. I personally sign on to the computer between 8.30 and 9.30 every day, and I work until 5pm, at which point I put my kids to bed, then I will continue working until 9 or 10pm the majority of nights. There are of course ongoing issues regarding EAC that we are obviously aware of and working on, they have been extremely offensive lately, and while we have successfully mitigated several attacks, one remains that is hard to fix. We will, of course, succeed...its just a matter of time.


    The staff that I employ do an amazing job, they know that in order to protect the user's gaming account from getting banned above all else, we must follow a protocol. I stand by my team 100%. I do not apologise for any of the steps we take, if you want some backyard devs to take your money and care less when you get banned, feel free to leave. Here, we know that preventing the ban to begin with is the key to a successful reputation, and we will continue to provide our service on this basis.


    Addressing @charlesalvarez046 directly, you have only been a customer of ours since January 22nd. We *always* give back any time lost, it just doesn't get added on until we reinstate the product (otherwise how can we know how much time to add on?). I want to personally say welcome to the Chod's Cheats club, regardless of down-time, updates, and everything else, we know that above all else the customer should get what they pay for, and we will stick by that motto until the end.


    Stick with us folks, things are getting tough right now, we are constantly battling on, our silence means we have our heads down and are working day and night to get things going again. But I will give you more updates going forwards as I know its important for you to know where we are at.


    Some good news, finally. Hunt now has a full engine aimbot, no sway, and no recoil. It will be added in the forthcoming update once the EAC issues are behind us. Let me tell you, its incredibly strong...better than the Chinese crap floating around. This does not conclude our Hunt updates, as a big ESP overhaul will be coming soon too.


    Again, thanks for your patience. We are succeeding, we will prevail.



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  7. We'd like to welcome you all into the new year. We're feeling optimistic about 2021, but honestly, it can't be any worse than 2020! Its been tough for so many of us, but here at Chod's Cheats we are feeling confident about the year ahead, and we'd love you to stick around to see what we have planned come to fruition..!


    Some updates first of all...


    Dead by Daylight is now up and running again on the Windows Store version of the game, this means that our DirectX 12 renderer is fully complete and optimised. This also means we can easily start supporting other DirectX 12 games with our internal framework. An increasing number of games are switching to DX12, so with this upgrade we will also be ready to switch over at the flick of a switch, with no down-time for you, the customer.


    Hunt: Showdown and Rogue Company are still under investigation as to why we had some bans, but we are learning more each day and expect to have an update soon.


    Future plans


    Most of the cheats are quite stable now and require little maintenance, thanks to our unique dynamic update systems. This means that we are focussing on what can really drive things forward, rather than getting bogged down with game updates. One of the key things we want to focus on is increasing our understanding of anti-cheats, specifically BattlEye and EasyAntiCheat. We expect this to be a long road, but we are willing to make the large time investment to gain the insight we need to hopefully beat both anti-cheats once and for all. 


    Regarding new cheats, we plan to add cheats for CoD: Warzone and Cold War in the future. But we will be limiting the amount we add this year and would instead like to focus on improving the overall quality of our current line-up. 


    To conclude


    We thank you for your continued support this year, especially if you're enduring hardship. Chod's Cheats turns 8 years old today, we couldn't have come this far without all of your help and support. I'd especially like to thank the dedicated staff @Xpi @WannaBeCarry, the head moderator @Feary, our lead coder and general all round great guy@Don Coderleone, and of course the wonderful @Faceless. Without you all, this site would cease to function and I am forever grateful for everything you do.


    Let's make 2021 an amazing year, whatever you decide to do. Have a great New Year's Eve and see you on the other side.


    Kindest Regards,



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  8. This is something we have talked about a lot amongst the staff. The problem as we see it is that the CS:GO cheat market is just completely saturated. There are some very good cheats out there, and some very bad too; and athough we are confident that we could produce something good, we have to ask whether its worth the immense time it would take us to be able to offer all the features required to be considered "worthy". Specifically, all the HvH features now are so complicated and time consuming to perfect that it doesn't make much sense for us to put a lot of time into something when there are already dozens of cheats out there already. We wouldn't really make a dent in the already thriving CS:GO cheat marketplace and therefore, for the time being at least, the CS:GO cheat will probably not return.

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    On 9/29/2019 at 10:03 AM, RiseOfNightmares said:


    It's completely normal for updates as big as this to take at least this much. Why?

    A good coding team develops a program and tests it before being launched to the public. After testing, you can even refine your product with some code optimizations in order to make your program smoother when it's running. Chod has been a big name in the cheating scene for a good amount of years, give him at least some trust and back him up a little, I'm sure he will appreciate it.

    Also, remember that the coding team has a life besides work :)


    On 9/30/2019 at 12:59 PM, Anarchy said:

    Its in Chods best interests to get this finished ASAP, since as far as i know its his main business for income. The fact that he isnt rushing to get it out just to get quick money means that he cares about the quality of the product.  Obviously, time will tell but i have a good feeling about the end product. 


    You guys are exactly right. Tarkov has been our biggest income for some time, and yes we could rush something and get it out as quickly as possible to start making money again, but this has got to be right. I care 100% about the quality of my products, even too much sometimes, I spend a lot of times on small details, because I want it to be perfect. Money is less important than a happy customer, and ultimately the latter leads to the former anyway so its in our interest to make things well. That being said I don't expect to release a perfect product, there will be issues, it already needs optimising, but the important thing is that its working and so far everything is looking good.


    To say this has been a big project is a massive understatement, this is more than just a quick re-code. We have built a whole suite of tools to make development more streamlined in the future. The new framework will have some really cool features like a scripting engine using the wren framework . Of course the security is top-notch now too, which in itself has presented us with some quite challenging problems..! 


    I know you're all frustrated and want to get your subs back, and honestly we are on the final straight now. Staff are already testing, features are being added back in. Not long now! Thanks for your patience :)❤️ 

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  10. Just now, Nipple Twister said:

    But arent there are always unforeseen set backs when dealing with new code? A lot can happen in a few weeks. Im not trying to undermine im just hoping people can be a bit more understanding.



    Of course, there are always set backs. But we fix and carry on until we reach the goal.

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  11. Just now, Nipple Twister said:

    Well for the time being this will be a bummer, but if you deliver in the future I am excited. For all the people to lazy to read. Dont expect much in the next few weeks. 

    Its not an 'if' its a 'when' we deliver. As I said its already well into the development process and results are promising so far.

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