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Posts posted by Chod

  1. The new Clubs feature on the site allows you to create a club, or a clan for you and your friends. It can be private, public, or invite only; and it can be for anything you want. Maybe you want to use your club for finding lobbies, or finding people to HvH with? Or maybe you just want a club to post pMemes in? GO WILD.

    • Like 1
  2. Chod's Cheats Approved Reseller Program

    By becoming an approved reseller you will be able to sell license keys to users who are otherwise unable to pay (for example some Russian and Brazillian communities are unable to pay us directly). Once purchased you can do anything you want with the keys: sell them, give them away, trade them etc. Once a license key is yours we place no restrictions on what you can and cannot do with it.

    How much discount will I get?


    It depends on how many license keys you buy, with a bigger order comes bigger discounts. The information above is based on you selling the keys for the same price we sell them for (i.e. one month is £9.99). You can sell them for more, if you wish, to make even bigger profits.


    What else will I get?

    Along with your discount you will get:

    • Free thread design by our professional graphic designer for use on your sale pages
    • Access to a private reseller forum where you can talk with other resellers and staff
    • Added to a special Reseller forum group that is only available to resellers and has a unique badge


    What kind of support will my users get?

    We will give your users the same support we give our own - 24/7 support via support tickets and the forum.


    How will I get paid?

    You will buy license keys directly from us in bulk. That is the only transaction you will have to make with us. From here your users can pay you directly, using whichever method of payment you prefer. 


    Is there a reseller panel?

    Yes. Once you have been added to the reseller member group you will have access to the reseller panel, where you can manage your stock, and purchase license keys, and more.



    How do I apply?

    To apply to become a reseller please make a thread in this forumSome information we would like to see is:

    • Which community you represent
    • Why you want to be a reseller
    • If you have ever resold cheats before
    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Hawkeye said:

    And that's a valid concern. People are abusing it a lot and PayPal's staff is less than competent, especially when it comes to digital goods/services.
    Exactly. So when you look at Stripe compared to PayPal:
    • Lower fees
    • No monthly fee for direct credit card processing
    • Better fraud handling
    • Less chargebacks
    It's really a no-brainer
  4. 1 minute ago, Hawkeye said:

    You know what the fees are, so you can adjust the price accordingly in order to get the exact amount you want.
    There must be reason other than fees, probably PayPal's refund policy ;) 
    PayPal's refund policy does leave a lot to be desired yes
  5. You have to run the game in DirectX9 mode:

    open the settings.ini in a texteditor. on win7 you can find it in c:\users\[username]\documents\BFBC2. change DxVersion=auto to DxVersion=9. run the game.

  6. its gonna be same link site or changing to new site??? and i wish Esea cheats soon :) since CEVO/EAC/FaceIT is up keep up the goodwork chod bestofthebest i use this since the beginning 1vacs as far :) since i joined here still no problem with it its UDT

    Same site, that transition should be seamless.

  7. Things have been quiet round here for a while, and that's not because we have forgotten about you. It's actually because we've been working hard in the background on a secret project called FIREFLY.

    What is firefly?

    Firefly is the fourth version of Chod's Cheats to be released. For this version, the cheat has been redesigned from the ground up including a brand new framework, GUI, and client. Not only that but we are creating a brand new website to replace this one.

    Why make a new site?

    The current site is a bit convoluted as the main site runs from wordpress, the member panel is a custom PHP site, and the forums are vbulletin. There's not any coherence between the different areas of the site, for example when a news item gets posted on the main site we have to repost it on the forums. Also, vBulletin is quite outdated and the support is non-existent, so moving forward we've decided to go with IPS which will allow us to merge the main site, members panel, and forum into one (also meaning single sign on). Here's a sneak preview of the new members panel:


    The new site will also include a support ticket system, so you can get support direct from a member of staff at any time.

    Will my forum account be merged into the new site?

    Yes. All data is being transferred to the new site, including forum accounts, private messages, forums, threads, and posts. However, we won't be doing this until the last minute to make sure we get the most up-to-date snapshot.

    What about my paid subscription?

    As the cheats are being full coded from scratch, at the time of launching the new site the only cheat available on the new Firefly framework will be CSGO. All other cheats will remain active until all subscriptions expire, after which the cheats will be deactivated until they have been recoded for the new framework. Users will have the option, if they prefer, to switch their subscription to the new CSGO cheat. This will be explained in more detail when the time comes but the underlying message is: your subscription will not be cut short, you will get what you paid for and also be given the option to switch to the new cheat free of charge.

    We realise not all of you play CSGO and we can only apologise for the inconvenience but assure you that your cheats will be active again as soon as humanly possible.

    Will Firefly support any leagues?

    Yes, Firefly will support:

    • FaceIT
    • VAC
    • Matchmaking
    • EAC
    • SMAC
    • CEVO

    Note: Expect this list to grow

    Firefly is 100% screenshot proof and stream proof on all anti-cheats so full visuals are enabled, including the in-game GUI.

    Can we see some screenshots of the new GUI?

    Just the main menu for now ;)


    Are there any other improvements?

    The HWID system has had a complete overhaul. We no longer include your hard-drive in the hash as it was getting changed after a reformat and causing false positives. This will vastly reduce the number of requests. Also, if your hardware ID changes but only one hardware item changed and your location has not greatly changed, your HWID will be automatically reset so no more waiting for a staff member! Another change to the system is that you will be limited to 2 resets per month free of charge (this includes automatic resets, any more and you will have to purchase more). This has been done to stop people from abusing the system (which they have been).

    When will it be done?

    The client, server, and csgo cheat are at about 90% completion. The new site still needs some work but is at about 60% completion. As a rough guess everything should be complete within 2 months.



  8. Hi,

    OK, about the detection, isn't it a bad strategy or idea to inform us when your cheats get detected?

    VAC can use that information of when you guys were detected, and reflect and ponder upon what made your cheats go detected.

    For example lets say:

    you guys got a detection on 17th december 2015.

    VAC will then research and see what they did to make you guys go detected, and make out certain possibilities of getting you detected again, easier.

    Since they know when you got detected, and they know what they did. Idk.. :D Just saying that, if they know when you guys go detected, they have gotten some knowledge on how and why.

    So lets say.

    Your cheats are undetected because of 5 or 10 strategies or coding techniques you use.

    If you got detected on 17th decemeber. One strategy has been encountered by VAC and then 4 or 9 strategies are left. If this continues, you guys will have to make up new strategies.

    Isn't it best to not inform us of when it is detected??? But just shut it down? Idk.

    VAC knows WHAT they did HOW they did it, and whether it worked...

    Idk. Probably not possible, cause they check this website, and probably have bought the cheat, so they know when it is detected... So if we eliminate the "whether it worked part"

    How do you guys know the exact date of detection? That should not be revealed, I feel. Cause they can then check what they did on that date.

    we should make it more vague and difficult for VAC to know what made the detection happen.

    VAC has it easier to attack you, than you to defend yourselves. Right? Cause VAC knows their system, can buy your hacks, and decompile it? I don't know.

    If we're detected its because VAC targeted us and found out a way to beat our security, so they definitely already know why we were detected. So making it public isn't really going to have any effect apart from giving our customers truthful information.

    Also don't forget that if we're detected, us not making an announcement here isn't going to stop countless threads on sites like Hack Forums or D3Scene. So regardless of whether we tell the public or not, they'll know.

    Valve dont just get lucky when it comes to detecting cheats, they put a lot of time and money into beating cheat providers.

  9. It seems to be a rounding error with the price of the cheat and the coupon system. The price of the cheat is normally 12.99, so 12.99 * 0.5 = 6.495 which PayPal doesn't like. I've changed the price of the cheat to 12.98 so it should work now.

    Let us know once you've tried it.

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