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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/08/18 in all areas

  1. I'm looking to buy an EOD account preferably with the pre-christmas items available to be used. Looking to spend around $50, hit me up with a message for negotiations! Will be using a trusted middleman through Chods also.
    1 point
  2. It's funny for me that you talk about it like it gets detected every few months. Maybe you should learn to read my friend. What do you think about me? That i laugh about people that got banned or what? If you got a problem with the fact that we stayed UD for 1 year and got our first big banwave now then go somewhere else buddy. Or stop cheating at all because it's nothing for you if you think like that. Cheating is and will always be a risk. If you can't understand that you should stop cheating immediately.
    1 point
  3. Cheating it's always a risk. However our software got detected only 2 times, early November 2017 and now. Chod has been working hard those days and he made some improvements. Let's just wait until he fix everything. We apologize for your bad experience, you really had bad timing there
    1 point
  4. Well, this voluminous review really helped me realise that cheating came with risks! Thanks.
    1 point
  5. All the days lost will be compensated to you. If your subscription doesn't end while the cheat is down, it happens automatically. If your sub ends while it's down, submit a support ticket when the cheat is back up and we'll compensate.
    1 point
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