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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/07/18 in all areas

  1. Hello Chods-Cheats Community, we are searching two new members in our team as moderators.(one EU and one NA) What we are looking for: At least 18 or older. Speak fluent english. Experience as supporter/moderator. Experience with our products. Enough time to do the job. Dedication. Professionalism. What you will do: Forum support+moderation. HWID support. Answering support tickets. Giving warnings. Moving posts. Keeping the forum clean. What will you get: Free access to all our cheats. Special rewards if you are doing your job good. Please fill out the following mask to apply and answer this post with it: Name: Location: What you do(work/school..): Age: Languages: Online for x hours a day: Experience with our products: Relevant experience: Why you think you would be good for this position: Anything else:
    4 points
  2. Hit that button to show your appreciation!
    1 point
  3. This is for people who doesn't know CHOD'S CHEATS can also use RADAR only! This is short video to show what to uncheck. Also can change colors to dots in the radar Bots and Players. I used night mode to show you that I can find players. You can hide radar behind something. I learned this from Emiliensen2. Thank You!
    1 point
  4. Hey Preston! Welcome to the community! I just had to comment on this since your profile picture and the topic fit so well together
    1 point
  5. i'm not applying (even while i think i may be quailified and could bring some knowledge to the game - the biggest problem for me is not enough time) and wish all that do good luck but most of all for the chosen one: fun. much of it. you will need it.
    1 point
  6. Name:Phil Location:USA - Florida What you do(work/school..): Work Age:31 Languages: Portuguese/BR - English - Spanish Online for x hours a day: 8 - 16 Experience with our products: member since April 10 2016 on csgo cheats and forums. Relevant experience: Forum Management, website development,Organized and clear flow of web pages.Some C# C++ Java Perl Why you think you would be good for this position:maintaining clean chats forums posts and support with buy and sell of products Anything else:America !! Fuck yeah !!
    1 point
  7. Name: Steven Location: Saarland, Germany What you do(work/school..): Start a new IT apprenticeship next week Age: 24 Languages: German, English Online for x hours a day: Around 5-6h Experience with our products: used CSGO , SoT , EFT, pubg(for 1 day) Relevant experience: Had my own Teamspeak server with 40 members and was Co Admin on a Ark Server Why you think you would be good for this position: Really love the community and want to support them if I have the opportunity Anything else: I Dont know how time consuming my new Job will be, but it should be no problem to be online plenty of hours to do the Job
    1 point
  8. Name: Michael J Briggs Location: Massachusetts United States of America What you do (work/school..): Well for school I went to college for business ethics and basic law. For work I am a corrections officer for the Massachusetts Department of Corrections. I was in the Army for 4 years, did one tour to Afghanistan, gotten shot in my right shoulder and left calf so I had a medical discharge. I also manage my own construction business. Age: 25 Languages: English Online for x hours a day: when im not at work I am literally online for the whole day, and if im not online on my pc I have Chods Cheats forum open om my phone so I can look at it when I am at work. Experience with our products: The only product I have right at the moment is the EFT Cheese, but I do plan on getting the cod ww2 one, other than that I know how to use the eft cheese very well and fluidly with key bindings and all. Why you think you would be good for this position: I think I would be a good fit for this position because every day I am dealing with people in some way or another, granted it was my DOC job, my construction job, or the military, I know how to handle problem people and I know what to do to take appropriate action against them. Anything else: My rank in the Army was E-5 before I god medically discharged. E-5 = Sergeant.
    1 point
  9. Hey Kenneth, welcome to our community! ? Like your attitude! Go on and feel free to ask if you need help with anything!
    1 point
  10. Name:Lucas Lee / Teddy for my friends. Location:Munich, Germany What you do(work/school..):I'm a learned IT-Security Engineer and work for the German Military. Age: 22 Languages:Fluent: German, English, France, Irish. Fractional: Italian Online for x hours a day: 8-12 Experience with our products: Very much experience with the Tarkov Cheat. Relevant experience:Experiences as a mod on many Forums, many FB Groups and I'm a Owner and Leader of a working Multigaming Clan with 32 Members. Why you think you would be good for this position:I help the community, try to find a solution for every problem and are incorporated on the forum, it's rules and Chod's Cheats. Anything else: I can put a many time in here. I want to help and make this community better, bigger and more known. I think i can help the team out with a good knowledge. Thank you for the chance.
    1 point
  11. Sooooo, i kinda need a rust hack but my trust factor is really low for them to trust me with the cheat so i was thinking if anyone wants to help me with ideas for new topics that other people might find useful for themselves. Also you can like my comment to speed up the processed, i will like you back .)
    0 points
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