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44 minutes ago, snoopdog420 said:


i dont think csgo will change, it didnt add a new anticheat. cs just had an update making the game crash when joining a match, it took most providers about a day, dont think it was a detection issue.

but what I still don't get if csgo didn't change why didn't they update it already, is not like is going to take a lot to update it 

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1 hour ago, TCheesePatrol said:

well I was expecting a month since Aug.21...

its  almost 1 and half month now...


It's completely normal for updates as big as this to take at least this much. Why?

A good coding team develops a program and tests it before being launched to the public. After testing, you can even refine your product with some code optimizations in order to make your program smoother when it's running. Chod has been a big name in the cheating scene for a good amount of years, give him at least some trust and back him up a little, I'm sure he will appreciate it.

Also, remember that the coding team has a life besides work :)

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Guys stop being impatient... We all know its been a long time and we all want to play badly but have some faith on Chod. Personally even though i want that EFT cheat bad i like how they take their time, i strongly believe they won't dissapoint us!!

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Its in Chods best interests to get this finished ASAP, since as far as i know its his main business for income. The fact that he isnt rushing to get it out just to get quick money means that he cares about the quality of the product.  Obviously, time will tell but i have a good feeling about the end product. 

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4 minutes ago, NateShadow said:

maybe give at least a date, more or less, in a week, two, month or more? because people are waiting and if it lasts a long time it is worth buying another cheat for this time

It doesn't work like that. If this was the case, we would already have gotten a date. ETA's in the cheating community is hard to put up because u could be 99% done and then u get a setback and u'll need to investigate into the new issues which can take some time to fix. Just be patient and wait for another update.

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1 minute ago, Uber911 said:

It doesn't work like that. If this was the case, we would already have gotten a date. ETA's in the cheating community is hard to put up because u could be 99% done and then u get a setback and u'll need to investigate into the new issues which can take some time to fix. Just be patient and wait for another update.

I know it but I mean that if the work lasts long without assuming any problems then it pays to buy another one at that time

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