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Name: Prefer not to disclose publicly.

Location: USA

What you do(work/school..): Engineering

Age: 32

Languages: English

Online for x hours a day: 8-10

Experience with our products: EFT

Relevant experience: Administrator of a private forum. Medium-size(400+) discord moderator. Medium-sized (2000+ concurrent) twitch channel moderator. Work in and manage small team on a daily basis.

Why you think you would be good for this position: I am able to follow instruction and carry out tasks assigned to me without micromanagement. I possess excellent problem solving skills and am a quick independent learner. I am able to be professional while maintaining a light-hearted and positive attitude. I am always looking for new challenges for myself.

Anything else: I look GREAT in purple.

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Name: Prefer not to disclose publicly.
Location: germany
What you do(work/school..):study 

Languages:English/Spanish/german/bit of frech

Online for x hours a day:5-10
Experience with our products: Only Eft 
Relevant experience:arma 2 dayz/arma 3 exile {1year}

Why you think you would be good for this position:i experience have in this job 
Anything else:/
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Name: Brandon Smith
Location: Mississippi, US
What you do(work/school..): Cybersecurity analyst/Penetration tester
Age: 22
Languages: English/mild Spanish
Online for x hours a day: 15+ hours
Experience with our products: EFT cheat for several months, active in shout box and mild activity on forum posts
Relevant experience: Previous moderator/tech mod for AimJunkies.
Why you think you would be good for this position: Previous experience/want the forum to grow + general love for the cheat community
Anything else: Very knowledgeable in tech field, can help handle issues very well. Thank you
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21 hours ago, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

Hello Chod's Cheats community,

we are searching a new member in our team as moderator.

What we are looking for:
At least 18 or older.
Speak fluent english.
Experience as supporter/moderator.
Experience with our products.
Enough time to do the job.

What you have to do:
Forum support + moderation.
HWID support.
Answering support tickets.
Giving warnings.
Moving posts.
Keeping the forum clean.

What you will get:
Free access to all our cheats.
Special rewards if you are doing a good job.

Please fill out the following mask to apply and answer this post with it:

Name: Michael Briggs
Location: United States
What you do(work/school..): For work currently i work the overnights as a part of the replenishment crew at the craft and hobby shop near my house. II graduated school back in 2013.
Age: Just turned 26 this month
Languages: English
Online for x hours a day: Pretty much all day
Experience with our products: Plenty of experience with EFT, but i am always willing to learn about other products.
Relevant experience: I know how to deal with problem people, i spent the better part of 4 years in the US Army so i know how to talk to chain of command and respecting the people above me.
Why you think you would be good for this position: I think i would be a good fit because i show respect when it is due, and i know how to take approiate action against those willing to disobey orders and the set rules of the site. Furthermore if there is anything out of my control, i will consult the higher ups and see what action i need to take to resolve the issue.
Anything else: Windows 10 OS up to date, when im not working im home on my PC, if im working and have time i check the site on my phone, i am always logged in one way or another, via phone or PC.



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Name: David

Location: France

What you do(work/school..): I'm actually in a advanced technician certificate (2nd Year) in Networking

Age: 21

Languages: French (mother language) English (very good), Spanish (basic level) and Russian (begin to learn)

Online for x hours a day: Almost all days, but in average I'm online for 8 to 13 hours

Experience with our products: I have bought EFT, CSGO, BF1, Sea of Thieves, and the USB Stick + i'm Supporter

Relevant experience: During my internship in companies i've learn to found, and resolve issues, mostly computer or network issues. 
I had to explain to people who know pratically nothing in computing how it works and how to resolve their problems. 
Why you think you would be good for this position: I think i'm good for this position because, I love to help people, on the forums 
I try to help even if I know it's not my job to do it. I tell people when their threads aren't in the good category. 
Or if they have a problem i'm trying to help them. Also i'm good because I know how a good moderator need to be and what he needs to do. 
My past experiences gave me the opportunity to learn that, on servers with 30+ people and their dedicated forums, for example en SAMP, Gmod, 
FiveM / GTMP, and Arma 3. I know when something isn't working people can be anxious and I know how to calm them and explain peacefully that will 
be solve soon.

Anything else: I'm in the community for a long time (for me), and i've learn a lot on this forum and his community, I know how chod's 
products work, not all of them but the most used.
Edited by Cyka-Chica
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Name:Jacob Smith
Location: Cincinnati,oh USA 
What you do(work/school..):work at a aerospace company as a lead composite technician.
Languages: English
Online for x hours a day: 4:00 pm to 2:00 am Eastern Time zone. Also I'm available as I'm at work through my phone 
Experience with our products: I've only used escape from tarkov cheats but have been using them for the passed 5 months Also I ubserv the chatbox and help people with issue throughout the day.
Relevant experience: no online experience. Was a contact support for spectrum internet service.
Why you think you would be good for this position: I'm a dedicated and self driven person. I have alot of experience with customer service and management. I have alot of experience with technology and electrical equipment.
Anything else: I would prove my self beyond any level you think someone could reach. I would work as hard as you would expect and respect you,your company and workers with the most respect and treat your business as if it was my own. You wouldn't regret giving me a chance and adding me to your team I will even do a probation period and work for free till you think I'm a good fit and if not that's fine with me to. Thank you for reading this and possibly deciding on my employment/help with your company.
Edited by Blackwolf1mwP
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Name: Jason

Location: US (East coast)

work: I work on a small farm for about 3-4 hrs a day.

Age: 25

Languages: English

Online for x hours a day: 10+

Experience with our products: I have used the EFT cheat for around 3 months. 

Relevant experience: I have around 9 years of experience as a mod/admin. I am willing to talk more about it in pm.

Why do you think you would be good for this position: I feel like with my time and experience that I would made a good fit for this position.

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Name: Adam
Location: USA GMT-9
What you do(work/school..): Day job as a systems/network administrator and engineer
Age: 33
Languages: English
Online for x hours a day: 8-10
Experience with our products: EFT, CS:Go
Relevant experience: I have 15 years professional experience with architecting/engineering systems and network solutions.  I have been administering and moderating online communities since the BBS days.  Admin'ed and 'moderated' scene, topsite servers and distros.
Why you think you would be good for this position: I have a passion for games and the underlying technologies underneath and spend a good deal of time online.
Anything else: Even though I have a dayjob, I am in front of a terminal for 8-10 hours a day at least and can support the team during the day as well as the evening.  I tend to be fairly quiet, but open up to people once things are comfortable.  I have experience working in a professional environment and communicating with people as well as technical writing.
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Name: Gabriel

Location: New York

What you do(work/school..):I’m an actor and I go to college during the week but get out early most days

Age: 19

Languages: English, Spanish, Little Cantonese and Mandarin and a little German

Online for x hours a day: 7-12 hrs a day
Experience with our products: EFT and Have had a friend use the call of
duty and showed me through it 
Relevant experience: Owner of a Successful Gmod Server, Support Team prompted through the ranks to Admin on Arma 3 Life Which was one of the most popular servers in arma a few years back, was a server manager in one of the biggest chains in Gmod Severs DEFCON Nation for about 1 year

Why you think you would be good for this position: I have experience running servers and events and taking care of communities. I’m not gonna lie compared to most people I’m nobody like crazy amazing; what I can say about myself is that I’m dedicated. I follow through on any promises and work I’m meant to do. This community for me has been like a second home honestly I haven't felt so comfortable with myself since I've been here. The people I've met and connections I've made are the reasons im applying and the reason why I want to stay here and help is becasue I want the next person like me down on their luck to find a family that will accept them with open arms

Anything else: I’m an Actor, a singer, I beatbox, I’m a great public speaker, and I know how to rally a community together for a community event and just organize something fun and exciting 
Edited by grim2312
Change Of Heart
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Name: Nicholas (I'll give full name privately if needed)

Location: Southern CO, USA

What you do(work/school..): School all day Thursday and Tuesday. Work is usually evening shifts 5:00pm to 10:00pm MST

Age: 21

Languages: English (Fluent) 

Online for x hours a day: As much as I can, usually 7-8 hours a day

Experience with our products: I've used the EFT cheat for a few months then switched to the CS:GO cheat after my EFT main got banned. I've used the CS:GO cheat since. 

Relevant experience: Not sure if it's relevant, but I've helped moderate three medium-large gaming forums for gaming servers
I've owned one Small-Medium (75-100 users) GMOD server forum.

Why you think you would be good for this position: I thoroughly enjoy Chod's work, and I want to keep the forum clean and safe. 
I've seen a few things that can certainly be improved, and I'd love to help improve them.  

Anything else: I love Chod's work, I've yet to find a better legitbot for CS:GO despite using many other public ones and two invite-only ones. I want to see Chod's continue to gain popularity until it's an unstoppable force in cheating, and I believe I can help contribute. 
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Name: Tyler

Location: Toronto Ontario CANADA!

What you do(work/school..): Psychology Degree

Age: 28

Languages: Eng

Online for x hours a day: If I can do things from my phone, 16 hrs+. If not, 5-6hrs+

Experience with our products: I've bought ETF/CSGO cheats on and off for a year now.

Relevant experience: Never been a forum admin, but have been game admins in Arma 3 life servers. In terms of customer service, I worked at a grocery store in high school.. if that counts ;)

Why you think you would be good for this position: I understand the need for professionalism, and to keep the image of Chod's cheats clean. At the end of the day, this is a business and I plan to add to it, not take away. 

Anything else: I'm level headed, I'm motivated to find a solution or find someone who has a solution to certain problems. I've known Rayy for 5-6 years now, being apart of the same communities. I really believe I would make a great addition to the Chod's team. My hours at work vary, some days I wake up at 6AM EST, and dont work the entire day till 5PM. This is the time I can dedicate to Chod.

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2 hours ago, Desir said:

Why Faceless did you change requirments for moderator for NA only? Is it really important where are you from when you need be a moderator? O_O

I would assume so because most of the nights when im on only faceless is online, which doesn't say much because he's on all day lol

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Name: Tyler

Location: Minnesota, USA (Central)

What you do(work/school..): Network Administrator

Age: 30

Languages: English + Google Translate

Online for x hours a day: 14  (roughly 4 hours I would be unavailable in a way were I could be available but I cannot guarantee instant)

Experience with our products: 3 Months

Relevant experience: IT Support, Forum Moderator on NXSecure.org (Before it got hijacked. It was a very popular Piracy Forum)

Why you think you would be good for this position: My job requires 10 hours of my focus of the 40 the rest of the time I am at my computer.

Anything else: I would just like to spend my large amount of free time, IT Support skills and previous forum moderation skills to help contribute. Free services isn't really needed, I make enough money that its not relevant to my request to serve the community.


Any further questions feel free to ask I'm available on discord.

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2 hours ago, 11bangbang said:

I would assume so because most of the nights when im on only faceless is online, which doesn't say much because he's on all day lol

Well it's not the reqson why its ONLY NA. Iam from Europe but many nights working which mean I have time to be on forum even more then faceless.


Well its their decission and rules. So they will chpose whoever they want

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Name:Peter N
What you do(work/school..):currently in grad school for chemistry on a break for a couple months. 
Age: 23
Languages: English, Some spanish.
Online for x hours a day:6-12
Experience with our products: I'm a supporter of EFT cheese, better than sharp cheddar.
Relevant experience: Discord admin of 2 servers at one point, old FC head for Final Fantasy 14, old Arma 2 moderator, coLeader of an old clan on the Xbox 360 days. Several jobs in real life working customer service or sales associate. 
Why you think you would be good for this position: I care about the community here. I like the product I've gotten and continue to support it. I like the people here and would like to have a more direct role in the community or maintenance of the community. I'm on playing games all the time so why not be available for moderating if need be. 
Anything else: Video games, that is all.
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Name: James

Location: Michigan

What you do(work/school..): Software engineering

Age: 24

Languages: English, Arabic and French all fluent

Online for x hours a day: about 7-9 hours daily

Experience with our products: used CS:GO cheat and Tarkov, haven't got banned on any yet.

Relevant experience: been gaming for about 16-17 years, started out with Legend of Zelda :D and Mario 64.

Why you think you would be good for this position: I got customer service experience as I've worked in gas stations before/Call centers ( at triple A insurance ) and was once a bartender for about a year.

Anything else: I'm good at programming, mostly C#, C++ and Java!

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