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The best bang for your buck would be to build your own. Look up a building video that has a good camera view. If you want me to find one, then say it :)

What is your budget? But if you don't want a desktop then sorry for not helping :/ I am just trying to help you know! :D

You don't pay for the name, when building your own, and there is a setup video on youtube, again if you want me to find you one, then say it :)

Edited by Dude
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Do not buy an Alienware. I used to have an Alienware laptop and after a few months of usage, it became the worst piece of crap ever. If you want a gaming rig, you need to go for a desktop. Build your own. It's way cheaper and 100% better than the Alienware. Just take my words on this.

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To OP,

Alienware is owned by dell, yes their CS is one of their better ones, but I feel that their laptops are overpriced compared to competitors. I suggest checking out http://www.reddit.com/r/suggestalaptop ; (I just noticed you posted their with the same question). The people there are very helpful.

  aliveli123 said:
Asus, Samsung, Lenovo and HP has some nice gaming laptops.

I'd stay away from samsung for gaming laptops; their more of a ultra/netbook niche company. I've only had lemons with Hp so I can never really recommend them.

  zyaz83 said:
Would recommend MSI new laptop which is really worth the money .

MSI is great for the price espically their gaming laptops, however there have been reports of questionable manufacturing quality.

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honestly, almost all laptops are overpriced and relatively useless. even a $3000 macbook pro has plenty of drawbacks. most ultrabooks don't even have 16:10 high resolution, and the ones that do are tiny (13 to 15") and hover around $2000.

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