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Everything posted by SlimyGoo

  1. You start it before the game. The USB is unplugged automatically.
  2. Thank you for your review. I will probably go back to Squad after I'm banned in BF2042
  3. Is deadside still a thing more like
  4. Of course it's coming back! They'd announce it otherwise.
  5. You get a free HWID reset per month, no need to request it, so it doesn't matter really.
  6. No, it does not support Windows 11. Says so on the store page. Downgrade to 10 or wait X months for Win11 support to arrive.
  7. That is some necro-posting right there! What problem? The cheat is disabled at the moment. Not to mention the framework has changed since then, so whatever it was it's no longer relevent.
  8. As the title says https://youtu.be/K4sy5V6Uc6I?t=169 David blatantly self-hooks.
  9. It's disabled. They are working on it. Time will be compensated.
  10. Never understood people who want to be "safe", let alone asking for safety percentages. Cheats are inherently unsafe and you will be banned, in a year or in a day. Just treat your account as already being banned and cheat to your heart's content
  11. How's Destomy these days? Wasted a year of my life on this grindy sh1tfest))
  12. "Enabled" checkbox - enables/disables the aimbob (duh). If you want to use it - make sure it's enabled. "FOV" slider - in simple terms, sets the "target area" around your crosshair/center of your screen. If your target (killer/survivor) is within the "target area" when you press the ambob activation button, it starts to aim for you; if it's outside the target area - nothing happens. If you want the aimbob to work every time when you can actually see your target - set it to 60 and you will be alright. Set it high enough and it will actually turn you towards your target when you're looking the other way. "Smoothness" slider - how fast aimbob moves your crosshair towards your target. On the default value it pretty much snaps to it. I use default, killers are too preoccupied by being blinded to notice something. Key - used to set your aimbob activation key (duh #2). Remember you must press and hold it in order to aim.
  13. Excellent review mate, solid 5/7. Although scrolling it too fast almost gave me a stroke from all the colors there.
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