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NovicaneZero last won the day on June 3 2020

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  1. XPI said in a previous post that the coders are working hard to get the cheat back up and running. Unfortunately no new news to post about it that wouldn't be copy and paste.
  2. The HWID spoofer is currently down for maintenance. The message you are referring to is just an automated reminder that only pops up within a few hours of restarting your pc.
  3. The old discord did get taken down and was replaced with a new one in 2019. But as faceless said they are for customers now, no longer merit based.
  4. We don't advertise any other providers here and anyone that does will receive a ban. Please read the rules
  5. https://chods-cheats.com/customer-area/ is the download but please read these to get you started.
  6. We will tell Don the coder you appreciate his work!
  7. Lets flesh this idea out. From what I've seen and its not much the Last Oasis doesn't seem to have many ranged weapons, aside from ship mounted balista. So IF we did make a cheat what features would you all want? ESP is really all that I can think of since its mostly melee combat. Maybe speedhack?
  8. We are currently working on getting DeadSide to a finished state after that we may entertain new cheat options.
  9. I would recommend changing pc parts as MANY spoofers are detected by BE so it will be hard to find an UD one as most are private. There are other option that work some of the time such as Raid 0 ssd's but this does not work for everyone.
  10. Tarkov is down for maintenance and as Memester said we don't do trials.
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