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The Bamboozler

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About The Bamboozler

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  1. i 2nd that i think a stalcraft Cheese would be cool
  2. man i don't know i was thinking honestly "Albion online" knowing that's a pip dream especially if i would be the only one to buy it nothing to fancy just player radar for player location and like being able to filter and see resource nodes on my map of course there is a lot of other cool things you could put into the cheese but that's mostly what i would like and maybe like a soft ware for bots i would like to just have like 1-3 maybe 4 accounts on my old gaming laptop to have a dude mine and gather while I'm asleep or working but i don't think making bots is chod's style would be cool doe one could only dream and i literally don't trust any one ells with this task cuz of shoty programing and i get ban in like 2min or its a fukin keyloger chod is the only cheese i trust
  3. i doubt it they are 120% positive that it will not be going privat and if it was they would have told us
  4. damn right after christmas dont have money becuz spent it all on GF gotta wait till next payday i guess
  5. happy holidays and one can only hope my dude
  6. honestly i think its just tarkov being tarkov not a hack just a bug 120% sure
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