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Everything posted by Rexx

  1. im loving it too, got 47% survival and win at least 50% of fights with players... im actually dreading when hacks are back
  2. Rexx


    dumb thing to say when you know nothing about it
  3. Because it felt like i was being cheesed on hard alot of raids, am enjoying it right now havent seen a cheater this wipe yet.
  4. Any overclock on your GPU at all?
  5. Ive heard about this before, its usually described as "peekers advantage" So basically if you have a high ping AND you are the one who peeks a corner first for example, you get an advantage... but it also means if the other player peeks on you then you are at a disadvantage. Edit: what he said ^
  6. You're right, this community is awesome but its a damn shame every second post is the same shit... people sulking about EFT being down and not knowing exactly when its coming up even though the devs have said time and time again why they dont give ETA's and not to ask for them. You're original post was you whinging "Bored of waiting and waiting ... Without anything clear ... ?" What clarity do you want? they have said again and again they wont release until they are confident its right... seems clear to me.
  7. Go elsewhere then... they have been perfectly clear! They will not give an ETA - clear enough?
  8. That would be whatever loadout your scav has
  9. Having EOD wont make it much easier, bit of a headstart with vendor rep yeah but thats all really... being new sucks no matter what Keep playing and watch the good streamers, you learn alot from seeing how they play ^^ Basically you need to first learn and practice the gunplay, what ammo types to use, map tactics and then its basically gaining confidence... there are some great youtube guides on solid budget builds and how to use them etc
  10. OK but do you honestly think they need our/your advice? They know what they want/are going to do and you can bet its better informed than anything we might think up... leave them to it.
  11. Why you want EOD, just curious as you can upgrade your stash size in game now?
  12. Im curious, why do many seem to think having people provide ID will avoid BE getting their hands on the cheat... you really think its that easy? think BE publish the name of every person they having working for them or they could use to get it??? This is just dumb. Also as Feary said, them getting the cheat means nothing, they cant just reverse engineer it.
  13. I think i know the answer to this but is it even feasible to have it so it doesnt overlay the writing over itself... would be amazing to set very specific loot filter so theres not much shown but for it to be readable if it was over each other
  14. Looks exactly like the old ESP, nothing wrong with that like
  15. Read the guides section... and virtualization should be ON not off.
  16. Guys they know what its worth and what they want to charge, I highly doubt they need more input from us... lets just wait and see what it is when released eh.
  17. alright well now you and anyone else reading this know ^^ hopefully there arent any other posts about it and people actually read before commenting. Edit: and yeah, as Gadiz says its actually right at the top of the page you are typing that reply on.
  18. Ugh, people so jazzed up about the price... its NOT the final price calm down they just set it high to stop people resubscribing for the old (cheaper than it will be) price until they get it back up and running. If the next comments below this one are about the TEMPORARY £100 price i may shoot myself.
  19. he just set it high so nobody would buy it chill, he said he should of set it to £9999999
  20. They definitley are raising the price but you get what you pay for with Chods at least.
  21. Im the same, the great thing with chods is how much choice you have in the settings
  22. Oh and also EOD is kind of a waste now that you can expand your stash anyway ^^
  23. Not a bad way to go but I think you will find once you have tried it, playing without it sucks lol. I fully accept the risk, the worst that can happen if you are using the spoofer is you lose a bit of progress and cost of the game account... but its a game thats constantly being wiped anyway. Originally I felt a bit dodgy about trying cheats but once you have them you really notice just how many are using them and it gets easier heh.
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