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Everything posted by Rexx

  1. The odds when using Chods before used to be very very low and if anyone can make the safest EFT cheese possible now with BE enabled its Chods team. But you have to be realistic and accept - if you choose to cheat there is a possibility of getting banned. As for odds I dont see how anyone would be able to give you that :s
  2. I know what you mean, everyones the same and they do give the odd hint but until its actually up its suject to change which can happen... its coming though im sure it wont be much longer now Apex is back up
  3. Yes, the cheat status page... thats all that matters everything said before that changes is just speculation.
  4. Nothing really, the written guide to using it was slightly wrong and i had some issues but the guides been updated since then so you shouldna have any issues if you follow them correctly
  5. Super complicated thing for them I suspect, low cost and selling more would bring its own problems compared to too expensive and not selling enough. Whatever they do I'm sure itll be worth it, over £40 may put it out of what I'm personally willing to pay but I wouldn't hold it against them for the work they do at all... I just wouldnt be cheesing EFT anymore because cheesing EFT's not worth that much "to me" - I'd still be here buying other cheats ^^
  6. Yeah, I think technically its still up and undetected but it causes the game to crash on launch so same differance... should be back up tomorrow I read (obviously not guaranteed - they are working on it) .
  7. Rexx


    He means he renewed his sub for Apex not EFT, just so he could use the chatbox ?
  8. It just means the game recieved an update so they need to update the cheat thats all.
  9. Apex is running super smooth once you suss out how to get it going (just the usual faffing but the guides are good) - happy customer gj guys ?
  10. I decided to give it a try, will do a review after a bit
  11. Well done guys. awesome news... enjoy the rewards ^^
  12. Thats me near the bottom in your ban pic (RexAlba) ?
  13. Id love it if you could get an "Antihack" hack instead of just hacking... like so you could play without esp etc but you just wouldnt show up on other hackers esp and aimbots wouldnt work on you... id pay £100 a month for that
  14. Maybe he was asking for an Exact Time of Arrival... no rule against that? ?
  15. They have said it will be similar to the other BattleEye protected cheats they sell, around £40 per month
  16. No im talking about the HWID usb stick they sell in store that allows you to use the cheese on other computers without having to request HWID reset which takes time
  17. Kotton is super fun to watch, heres his latest vid -
  18. I had something similar and im trying to overcome it by watching good streamers (my favorite is kotton) and learning how they play... a major part of this game is confidence and sound as DeDok said. If you watch good players they are never camping, they play with confidence and are always on the move almost baiting shots from others while at the same time knowing where to take cover, at the same time they hear the slightest sound and instantly know whats going on or rougly where the sound came from etc. They also are very good at hip firing, ALWAYS shoot for the head and stay cool no matter the situation... also realise even they get absolutley wrecked on a regular basis and dont let it effect their confidence, thats just Tarkov.
  19. Hey Kalivans You basically describe my situation exactly too, welcome
  20. Doesnt matter if the free codes have been used, i travel alot with work so need to swap from pc to laptop alot is all.
  21. Looking to buy Chods cheats USB stick, If anyone has one they would part with DM me please
  22. Ive heard about people getting banned when they engage other cheaters because then if an admins sees it, its so bloody obvious both are hacking lol
  23. With the new update, will there be USB sticks available again anytime in the near future?
  24. Thanks, yeah i've been following it. Gutted i missed a round of USB sticks being available when I wasnt playing
  25. You're English is good, easy to understand you. You arent wrong on anthing you say but I think most of its just because its first days of patch, so many people were waiting for hideout and there are alot of hardcore players. In time it will become easier to compete, I suggest using scav runs more for now. Also ADAR is a great budget weapon for taking on heavily geared players. The servers will stabilize, its normal after big game changes but already we are seeing improvements, its getting better every day. That being said, the whole point of hideout was to slow peoples progress and sink huge amounts of money so I think it is going to be a much harderchallenge than before.
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