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Everything posted by steinib

  1. But you joined in this year......?
  2. if you would read the posts then you would know that they intent to bring old stuff back, like customizable filters
  3. lol ive spent a year here just trolling, i used eft and csgo cheat for about year, im just waiting for eft like the rest
  4. people just learn to chill, play the game without cheats and just wait, its not going to kill you
  5. still dont know what you meant by Suspect, 12 ?
  6. suspect, 12 ? yeah im not buying the product i just like to comment on shitty posts
  7. im pretty sure they would have put in the discount if they where going to have holiday discount
  8. 50 is cheaper than most providers and its not that far from the original price, i think its fair price
  9. Hola Amigo......and thats all i know
  10. they already said there wont be another another another update
  11. whatever you are smoking, stop it JUST STOP
  12. steinib


    But then we would have the most loyal remaining and almost no crying
  13. steinib


    Where is the BAN HAMMER
  14. steinib


    LOL guy who joined last saturday is complaining about long wait
  15. man someone is angry little boy, made my day
  16. @Luiz when they are ready
  17. keep up the good work, you guys are awesome
  18. Looks good, cant wait to try it out, keep up the good work boys
  19. Can't wait to see the updated cheat
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