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Everything posted by sofly1911

  1. Jesus him self has spoke. Chod's is the way to go.
  2. I'm sure you will enjoy it, new feature was even added today. Fast reload.
  3. Stick around, giveaways happen often. Happy birthday.
  4. "Insert" is the key to open the menu. It's mentioned on the startup guide.
  5. sofly1911


    Welcome, hope you enjoy every bit of it once you pull the trigger.
  6. Hey welcome man, hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. You get forum permissions once you become a member.
  8. Hey welcome. Hope you stick around, and clean that garage some time lol.
  9. It's been down for a while now and there is no ETA for when it will be back.
  10. Hey welcome to chod's! Read around the forum and learn a few things while its updating
  11. @EFTGL What about the back support, does the armchair help with it?
  12. This thread is like a representation of @Oxyde's signature ?
  13. For your own security use a middle man for this transaction as there have been a few scams here in the past. Here's the list of our official middlemen Extra information, format/how it works https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  14. sofly1911


    Hey, if the client says your HWID has changed please make a reset request. Under "Member Area" there is a menu and HWID reset as an option.
  15. sofly1911


    Getting to know it before using is a very good idea to do while its down. You will enjoy it.
  16. sofly1911


    Hey welcome, Hope you enjoy your sub.
  17. Hey welcome man, fix that signature.
  18. Don't grave-dig old threads. Dont post hunt Refrain from spamming. Refrain from double posting and cross-posting. Try to keep threads on topic.
  19. Would be more appealing for customers to see a screen shot of your character's stats. And buyers beware that it could be a raged/heavily cheated account.
  20. It is "Out of Sock" which does not mean its unsupported. Please be patient and wait for it to become available again.
  21. It doesn't seem like there's bottleneck there. Not much if anything to be a problem.
  22. Always heard of it being a great game an all but I never bought it. When the game was out I was interested in Rust and it was all i played at the time.
  23. You would be best on joining a EFT discord community. You never know who would cry to BSG if they decide they don't like them after a few matches.
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