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Everything posted by Hoshi

  1. When you are playing as other's said, play like you're playing legit. Also making use of the radar is really good if you don't want to get caught staring at people through walls and stuff. Just look at radar where people are and throw a quick glance there while turning to look somewhere else haha.
  2. Haha yeah, hacking has come a long way in a lot of games. It gets more advanced for every day that passes.
  3. Interesting to hear a testiomonial so soon! Hopefully the DbD cheat has a positive future.
  4. Looking for a EFT account or game key that works on EU. Hit me up.
  5. Becoming one of the cool kids require work and dedication ?
  6. Hoshi


    Yeah def! Played a few games and It's really fun. Most of my friends who have played it so far also feel the same. It never hurts to try at least.
  7. Nikita is secretly lurking in on these forums, slowly cementing his power and creeping onwards towards a total domination.
  8. I wouldn't pay that much at all for account with a ban. But maybe around 50 dollars? Pretty sure one of my friends bought a account with similiar games etc to yours but for like 80 with no bans.
  9. Welcome welcome! Hope you will enjoy your stay here, look forwarding to seeing you post !
  10. Hoshi


    What's your location baby?
  11. Hoshi

    Apex Legends

    When more and more cheaters start appearing, eventually they will settle for some AC. Maybe they'll go with Battleeye hehe
  12. Welcome Mr.Joker! Don't play any pranks on me please!
  13. Don't worry about your virginity fam, nothing bad about being a virgin when you're 16. You should just take it slow and let it happen with someone you love and cherish. Don't lose it in vain to some crazy you though looked cute but secretly wants to cut that dick off. Who knows, maybe you lose it in a month or two.
  14. Could have been worse, could have been a update on a friday
  15. I heard it was good but what makes it stand out from other battle royales?
  16. I mostly listen to a bit of everything, pop, metal ,heavy metal, rap and the like. Absolute favorite band is Ghost.
  17. Cost ya much to get to that steam level ?
  18. Don't dare post a pic of my very dirty computer but my specs shall be given! CPU: I-7 7700K GPU: 1060 6GB (Think It was MSI) Ram: Crucial 2x8GB DDR4 @ 2400MHz Drives: Crucial MX300 275 GB for Windows & some games. Seagate Firecuda SSHD 1TB for rest
  19. How's Siege anticheat doing now a days? I know it was pretty trash even after the big anti-cheat update they did but still was a pretty fun game by then.
  20. I don't think asking for how to get VIP will get you any closer but what do I know ? ?
  21. How can you cheat in BDO ? Isn't it a MMO? Isn't like the only thing botting or am I just out of the loop?
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