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olliezeff last won the day on November 20 2018

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About olliezeff

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  1. Thanks for your reply dude. I might see if I can get a standard account to see if I’m banned then cheers mate
  2. Hi guys, I was banned on EFT back in Jan just after BE update does anyone know if its a hardware ban? want to buy a new account but i dont want to be banned straight away. I play on playing legit as ive learnt the era of cheating on EFT and getting away with it for months is over Cheers
  3. have a price in mind?
  4. Hey guys, Been looking around for a decent Scum cheat and there is nothing about at all unless im not looking hard enough? Any chance of a look into making a Scum cheat? its backed by EAC. Cheers, Ollie
  5. Thanks for the update! Crazy how many replies this has and its not even been up a day.
  6. Good job to all of the staff My body is ready, im so hyped!
  7. omg im so excited for this! Is rust chams invite only?
  8. Have been gone for a while but came back for abit of apex as I got bored of EFT but I did not realize how big the community has got! Fair play to Chod and his staff, I always knew chods cheats would get bigger. I am excited for the new cheats, hope it all goes to plan
  9. Welcome dude! Plenty of guides and helpful staff here at chods cheats
  10. hey dude, do you have a price in mind? My bro is after an account.
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