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LewisUK last won the day on April 28 2018

LewisUK had the most liked content!

About LewisUK

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  1. Thanks guys for the update. They are always appreciated. Sorry to hear stuff went south so fast. Shit happens though. We all know that. I hope it all gets squared away again soon
  2. So, I cant even see the chatbox now?
  3. So, even though we have time left on our cheat, we are not considered customers? That seems odd. If I have my money in a bank I am still a customer even if their ATM system is down...
  4. Kinda off topic, but the website is broken for me today. Just a box with a big ! in it but nothing else.
  5. Man, I hope you are right. Even if it is just as basic as Loot ESP. That would help a ton with the new map for Tarkov! /crosses fingers.
  6. Meh, not like I have to sit and stare at the UI. I just thought you guys had said this round was going to be more customizable is all.
  7. Man, I hope we can change the colors. That color (to me) is hideous. Looking forward to the full release.
  8. Thank you for the updates. We look forward to the new engine. I hope it enables you to fix the broken stuff much faster. Keep up the good work!
  9. ❤️ you faceless! I would like the EFT stuff!
  10. Thanks for the awesome service this morning. Using you was a LOT easier than using the store. I appreciate it.
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