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Everything posted by Chad

  1. https://www.instructables.com/id/Basic-Steps-of-How-to-Make-Cheese/
  2. We have a cheat status for a reason and don't discuss the status outside of that.
  3. You don't have a subscription to the cheat, that's probably why. It expired nearly a week ago.
  4. He's not an actual VIP. He was probably it at some point and his role was never changed.
  5. Chad

    Discord link?

  6. Use the search feature, this has been asked and answered. It's very unlikely.
  7. With that thinking, we may as well release a cheat for every game that comes out. BF5 was a flop, it'll be dead in a month just like BF1 was.
  8. Chad


    Welcome. We need more UK people
  9. No. The customer tag is for customers. Also, stop bumping old topics.
  10. We have an area where you can vote for cheats and the development team can decide what to tackle from there.
  11. Please use the search function as this has been asked and answered many o' times. We have no plans for it.
  12. They claim to manually review each case before banning so you must have been flagged. It's still quite easy to tell a hacker from a normal player when you watch them. You'll often make very strange movements that you won't notice because you have cheats and don't need to account for the lack of knowledge when it comes to searching a map for item X - you just make a B-line right towards it, or looking at a wall randomly to see where a player has gone. The only way to be safe is not to cheat - there is no sure way to never get banned. Sure, you're less obvious than a rage hacker but you still have a decent chance to get banned regardless.
  13. Thanks for the review.
  14. Chad

    Paladins review

    Thanks for the review.
  15. Stop instigating an argument. Blackworm is selling an account; clearly his own due to the username. If you're not looking to buy the account then stop commenting with needless messages.
  16. Don't post on threads that are old and have an answer already, thanks.
  17. Thank you for ordering, "XL Blowup sex doll (Black edition)".

  18. Keep needless comments out this topic unless you're enquiring about buying something.
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