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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Hey, no they cant. However they can see if you resize the skillcheck area
  2. Hey, you are not wrong, the situation with eft is really not optimal. It's very stressful and annoying for us as well. But we didnt give up yet and will keep improving until we win this fight.
  3. Thank you for the detailed review!
  4. Wrong section for that.
  5. Please stop the shittalk. Do you think we would've released without testing and making sure that it's undetected? Currently eft has one of the strongest battleye support, you can't compare it to r6s or dayz for example. And if you think we are shit then please leave us.
  6. Please only post nonsense in the offtopic area.
  7. Thank you for the review. @Don Coderleone is the coder of it btw.
  8. Our testers didn't get banned at all. Please stop the trashtalk.
  9. The features themself are all undetected. Risky just means that people could report you for it and that it has a higher potential to get detected in the future. Also keep in mind that the Resize feature is very risky as other people who spectate you will see it too.
  10. Eft's BE != Other Games BE.
  11. Thank you for the review.
  12. So what i know is that many people havent gotten hwid banned after their first ban. But as bsg likes to randomize a lot it can be that if you get banned multiple times its a hwid ban, this hwid ban can be only harddrives or more cause they log way more stuff then just ssd's, hdds, etc.. If raid 0 works for you then thats great, but it's not a guaranteed "fix".
  13. Please follow these steps to fix your QR code login. If your generated code doesnt work: 1. Delete the code from your phone. 2. Go to the 3 dots on the top right of the Google Authenticator app and make sure your codes are synced with the internet. 3. Scan the code again. If you dont have a phone to scan it: Install this browser addon. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/authenticator/bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai?hl=en
  14. Might be a very secure way but many people don't have a second pc or laptop so yeah.
  15. Faceless


    Yes, everything except autoskillcheck is working.
  16. 150$ for getting banned is even harder
  17. Yeah its not enough to reinstall windows^^
  18. Hey, welcome to Chod's and enjoy your stay.
  19. Hey, Discord made some changes so it might take a while until you got approved. This is done manually by us so you will automatically join the server when its done.
  20. Faceless


    Hey, our hwid spoofer is currently in status unknown so i would not risk it.
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