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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. Yeah I know sythe, and looked there first but not many sellers on the first few pages. Can't be arsed registering on their site as one of the admins banned me for "Go away this is a blackmarket site" or something along those lines, because I banned someone from our forum because he was selling his account on sythe Someone gave me a cdkey to bf4 so closing this thread.
  2. Subs that expired during the downtime haven't been taken care of yet. Super, keep up with the good work!
  3. Act cool because all VAC subs (including source, and gold package) has been extended by a month from today.
  4. It is possibly to get bf4 accounts for down to 3$
  5. Looking to buy an origin account with battlefield 4 preferably with premium.
  6. This is not a possibility. You'll have to wait for the cheat to get back up, like everyone else. There isn't much going on in the VIP section anyway.
  7. Sadly there's no intro with our current logo. Here's our logo, both a version with text and one without text http://puu.sh/agWvz/2b23a089d6.rar
  8. Which avatar or logo are you thinking of?
  9. Account has been sold. Thread closed on request.
  10. Account has been sold. Thread closed on request.
  11. Cheats are still down. Check VIP news for news about the VIP cheats. Thread closed..
  12. This has been fixed. Thread closed.
  13. Seems like a wise upgrade, especially when you're going from DDR2 memory to DDR3 lol. I personally don't think a CPU upgrade is worth it most of the time, considering performance only jumps about 10% per generation, and you have to get new motherboard, and new RAM, which can be pretty price hefty. The upgrade I looked at for my rig costs just as much as a 780 ti.
  14. <p>010000010110110001101100001001110111001100100000011100100110100101100111011010000111010000100000011101110110100101110100011010000010000001110100011010000110010100100000011101110110111101110010011011000110010000101110</p>

  15. Didn't even notice it when I read it myself, thanks for the report. Fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by that spelling mistake. Hope you'll have fun with the cheat
  16. It should already work, the coupon start date is set to 27-06-2014 so should work.
  17. Chod is currently the only coder. If he were ever to get sick we would know, I doubt he'll end in a car accident. The odds aren't that big for something like that to happen.
  18. Welcome to the site kelownaliving! Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here
  19. We support paypal, google wallet, bitpay. You can use a credit card on paypal, and google wallet.
  20. You're not allowed to sell, or trade your account to anyone. The hack is HWID locked, and if someone else gets it the HWID will not match which means you have to request a HWID reset. This would mean the account would get banned.
  21. There's not "demo"/lite version available.
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