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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. I haven't seen any threads regarding PSC -> paypal on here for a while, try creating a thread here: http://forum.chods-cheats.com/forumdisplay.php?31-Buy Hopefully you'll be able to find someone
  2. I haven't seen websites, only people in our marketplace doing it, or on hackforums.
  3. I don't convert myself so I don't know. I do however know that certain people sell services where they convert PSC to paypal.
  4. We don't support Google wallet anymore as they're dropping support for online/virtual non-tangible products soon.
  5. Hm that was a odd bug, I think for some reason your DayZ subscription ending made you fall into registered usergroup instead of VIP which disabled your member panel access. I've fixed it
  6. Hopefully it'll go through quickly. If there's anything else you're wondering in the meanwhile, please do not hesitate to ask. I try my best
  7. Public and matchmaking.. Unless you mean leagues which we don't support.
  8. There's not really anything I can do about paypal pending status. That is pretty much down to paypal, if you used eCheck then that usually takes between 3-5 business days.
  9. CSGO Lite doesn't have customization. The regular cheat does, there's a startup guide here: http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?1986-Startup-guide In case you don't read it, then the key to open the menu is insert.
  10. Overwatch bans is purely your fault. Selling, sharing, lending, or anything of that kind is prohibited as said in the rules. /Thread closed.
  11. http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?1986-Startup-guide
  12. There's not functionality like that in vBShout to show when a person replies to you. You can click on the "You last visited: Today at 12:03 AM : You Have 8 Unread Posts" to see the latest posts, unread threads have a special marked color. It will also show who created the thread, last reply, section, thread name, etc.
  13. What game? Could be the surface, but that would be odd since you said it never occured before. Do you get 60+ fps?
  14. Emiiru

    chods cheat?

    The cheat is as shown here: http://www.chods-cheats.com/projects/counter-strike-global-offensive-cheat/
  15. Emiiru

    chods cheat?

    As noted on the sale page the cheat is currently just an ESP box. As the cheat is currently only a ESP box, you will need to play legit as if you're not using wallhacks.
  16. Because you're supposed to start steam after the client.
  17. http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?6-Problems-and-solutions#crash
  18. I will try to remember, but no promises.
  19. Give me what forum name he is trying to register with
  20. http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?3-Pre-sale-Post-sale-FAQ#activation
  21. You can see what ESP features the cheats have on the sale page(s) If you're talking about CS:GO then the hitbox ESP is currently non-functional.
  22. If it's just the HDD then it won't be a problem. No need to post regarding HWID resets. Also please don't post VIP things in the public section /Thread closed.
  23. csgo works on windows 7. We only support 64bit
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