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Everything posted by Emiiru

  1. Emiiru


    Your subscription expired yesterday. Why are you bashing the guy?
  2. Actually been supported for a while now.
  3. Emiiru


    Our sale pages indicate what we AC's we support. We don't support CEVO, but we do support faceit. Of course we can't prevent manual bans by the admins on faceit, just like with overwatch
  4. Emiiru


    patch was 2 days ago and didn't affect our cheat
  5. Emiiru


    Pretty much, except for logging in and selecting your cheat.
  6. Emiiru


    Well you do need to run the cheat and inject it, but no there's not really any requirements. Though if you've had any cheats that have disabled DEP then you will need to enable it again
  7. Emiiru


    There's not really anything to install. Though you do need a USB you can put the cheats on.
  8. Emiiru


    Welcome to the site!
  9. Stop changing hardware if you don't want to get the error. Also make your own thread next time.
  10. You can script your own functions and bind them to keys. ie enable/disable esp, enable/disable selected features
  11. Run the game in windowed fullscreen
  12. http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?1986-Startup-guide However you can't access it if you haven't bought access to the cheats.
  13. Yeah that is called different things, FOV hack, camera hack, zoom hack
  14. Pretty sure people in the fog isn't sent to your client
  15. We've been hit by VAC so purchasing any VAC game has been disabled for now.
  16. It does work right now, though you can't purchase right now.
  17. We've been updating the cheat quite a bit lately? Tell us what's broken.
  18. PM me the invoice url, and include what subscription. (Invoice url is not for public, and it'll make it easier for me if you include what subscription)
  19. I'm sorry but at this current point in time there is no plans of lifetime returning.
  20. We don't have pSilent. You can configure the aimbot in the menu.,
  21. You sure you didn't have auto zoom on the aimbot and used the aimbot? http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?5285-CSGO-Updated
  22. I guess youtube, steam, HF, d3scene, hotmail, gmail(?), still live in the 1997's Not everybody has high resolution monitors, or bandwidth for that matter.
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