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Everything posted by Dexter

  1. afaik every item has its own id. That means you cant copy or change it.
  2. thanks would be nice if you could also leave a review at the store page
  3. i think there was a guide or sth on a forum here.
  4. Dexter

    Hack Query

    there are already about 10 posts for this. No we will never add that game because they sue providers.
  5. Take a look at the problems and solutions guide
  6. take a look at the problems and solutions guide
  7. Dexter


    please read the startup guide
  8. we plan to add a lot new features and improve the quality of everything
  9. good idea but currently we have no space for another game
  10. we dont officially support windows 7. Pirated versions are causing a lot problems with our client because they are mostly out of date.
  11. Dexter


    can take up to 24hours you should check your support ticket
  12. we update it as soon as the coder is online again
  13. take a look at the eft vip support forum.
  14. vip section -> guides -> game guides
  15. only with the server sided anti cheat. Yes in this case, but you need to follow our guide.
  16. other products were more important. You can expect something soon
  17. you only cancel the renews It doesnt give you the money back
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