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Everything posted by Oxyde

  1. We offer a no-charge middle man service: Take a loof if you want. Regards, Oxyde.
  2. Oxyde

    hey hey hey

    Welcome in our amazing community, I'm sure you will enjoy here
  3. Oxyde

    Sup boys

    Enjoy your time dude! And thanks your mom
  4. Hello there, Welcome to our community
  5. Gratz to the winners and thanks everyone for joining! //Closed
  6. Rust it's a VIP cheat. You need to get invited.
  7. Wooow! X5 Keys? You are a generous man! Really glade you are giving anyone a chance but as Faceless said, you can exclude staff Contact me if you need to buy the keys.
  8. Welcome in buddy! Hope you will have a nice time here
  9. Oxyde


    Ehy buddy, Welcome in
  10. I like it so much but that mouse it's very ugly ?
  11. Looks pretty nice even if the first image on the second banner, is that a fortnite one?
  12. I'd rate this meme a solid 7-/10. I skrattar a lil bit.
  13. Hello there, I'm new here, I wuold like to have EFT thanks Regards, NotOxyde.
  14. There's a few free cheats out there. Also it's a very old game and not so popular anymore. Please only vote the cheats that are listed.
  15. The giveaway ended! Thanks everyone for joining! Winners are: @dan93 @BosnianBIll 3 Months of ANY cheats DAN93 1 Month of ANY cheats BosnianBill Please send me a message with the cheat you want. (VIP Cheats are NOT included)
  16. At least I was first in the first list Gz @Sellier
  17. Ehy buddy, welcome in! Hopefully you will have some good time here!
  18. For the first time i will actually join this giveaway Good luck to everyone!
  19. Gz to both! Thread is now locked.
  20. Don't try it, you are not in (but I still love ya)
  21. Hello everyone! Thanks for joining this giveaway! I would like to give you guys back something since you are the reason why this community is such amazing. Thanks everyone for been part of Chod's Cheats, no matter if you are a Customer, Trusted, Supporter or simply a Member, this giveaway is for everyone. Price: 3 Months of ANY cheat you want (VIP cheats not included) 1 Month of ANY cheat you want (VIP cheats not included) I will pick the 2 winners the 30/05/2018 To join this giveaway just comment down or like this thread (or both). Thank you everyone for been here
  22. There's no option for Squad.
  23. Donàt brake my dreams u lil boi.
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