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Everything posted by Oxyde

  1. Good to hear but where is the rainbow faceless? WHERE IS THE RAINBOW??
  2. Sorry for beeing late guys! The winner is @Sellier! Gz to him and thanks for joining to everyone else. Please send me a PM to let me know what cheat you want.
  3. Welcome to my giveaway! (totally not copied from the Faceless one)There will be 1 winners this time. I will randomly choose him/her in 3 days! (30.03.2019)The winner will get:(insert fire emoji)1x Cheat subscription of your choice for 1 month (insert fire emoji)(Not included: VIP cheats, CS:GO with stream proofing / EAC support)To be part of the giveaway you have to react to the post. (don't forget to write which cheat you want!)The winner will receive the subscription in form of a key which can be redeemed at any time via this link: https://chods-cheats.com/resellers/?do=activate Thanks to faceless because he agreed to let me copy and paste his format
  4. Probably Desync. Use your aimbot next time
  5. Hello guys, I'm the middle man. Please add me on Discord Oxyde#0001 or send a PM when both of you are online.
  6. Sorry guys for the delay on this giveaway, I have been very busy those days. Please @Blossom send me a PM with the game you would like to recive! Thanks to everyone for joining this giveaway!
  7. This giveaway will end on 30/09/2018 Hi guys, since @CantThinkOfName is a BIG NOOB and he can't even pick a name I decided to start this Giveaway where everyone can join. To win this giveaway you need to comment with a possible username for our big noob moderator CTON. (The username CanThinkOfName is NOT allowed and you can only post ONE username. If you post more than one, only the first one will be valid for the giveaway) The name that HE will like the most will win 1 Month of any cheat you like (VIP NOT included).
  8. Hello there, Please follow this guide: than check out this other one: If you still have issues, create a support ticket. Regards, Oxyde.
  9. Glade you are back again! We got some nice security updates
  10. R5s is not in our plans and probably will never be. Please stop bumping old threads.
  11. Hello, I'd like to have 6 months of cs:go stream proof because I want to be shroud 2.0 thanks.
  12. Basically what I eat every day at lunch... Officially welcome in buddy!
  13. They are not applying HWID bans right now. If you just clear your cookies and change your IP, you should be good to go again (with another account). Regards, Oxyde.
  14. If your sub run out mw the downtime, your additional days won't be added manually. If so, please make a support ticket from this section: https://chods-cheats.com/support/ Regards, Oxyde.
  15. Feel free to use our no-charge middleman service: Regards, Oxyde.
  16. Thanks buddy! I'll keep an eye on it so and wait for some possible fixes
  17. I never played the saga (not because I don't like it but because I always used my PC), from a POV of someone who never played a MH in his life, should I buy it? I see a lots of friend playing it and idk if I should spend my money on it or not.
  18. Feel free to use our FREE middleman service if needed. Regards, Oxyde.
  19. Welcome in buddy! Enjoy
  20. You can only open our client once in one PC. So no, you can't do it.
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