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  1. Welcome to my monthly giveaway! There will be 3 winners this time! I will randomly choose them in 15 days! (05.07.19) The winner will get: ?1x Cheat subscription of your choice for 1 month? (Not included: VIP cheats, CS:GO with stream proofing / EAC support) To be part of the giveaway you have to react to the post. (don't forget to write which cheat you want!) The winner will receive the subscription in form of a key which can be redeemed at any time via this link: https://chods-cheats.com/resellers/?do=activate ?I'm also offering a 10% discount on my store until the giveaway is over! Use the code: "CHODS10"? ?https://faceless1.selly.store/category/0867fc3e?
    6 points
  2. So, I have been using Chod's Cheese for Escape from Tarkov now for about 15 months. I would say 1 month of that has been free as compensated down time. Initial/Subsequent purchases: 2/10 The initial purchase was problematic. Going through support was a real pain in the tail. Later on I tried to buy another 6 month subscription and one of the mods that was helping me basically told me that if I did not like the way I had to really struggle to pay them, then I should keep my money. What? Seriously? I am trying my best to pay you, and your reply is I should probably keep my money. I wound up having to go through a reseller because the purchase was just too difficult from the website itself and staff were beyond not helpful. Will not be purchasing again. Loot Filter: 2/10 The loot filter is all but worthless. If you use the search function it breaks it. Instead you have to scroll up and down up and down looking for what you want. The preset filters leave so much crap behind they are worthless. The range is nice but trying to get it to fade out at a distance is worthless. Removing an item from the list does nothing as it will still show up in the ESP. Aimbot: 3/10 This was rated a 3 because while it works great sometimes, sometimes it is the sole reason you will die. While using it sometimes it will randomly flick away from your target HARD. You will aim at them and as soon as you get close, the crosshairs are tossed out and up hard. If you do not quickly toggle aimbot off you will die. If a target is more than 50 meters from you and running left or right you will not hit them. The only targets you are going to hit are ones running towards you or ones stationary. You know, the ones you won't need aimbot for any way. The only saving grace is the no recoil and no spread options, that is if they are not disabled. Player ESP: 9/10 Player ESP is probably the best thing in this cheat and honestly the easiest one to keep updated. The options are numerous and they work great. Hell they work better than Tarkov does itself. I have been watching two guys about to engage each other, I see one stand up and then the other skeleton disappears, then about two seconds later I hear the gunfire and hear the player die. EFT desynced but Chod's told me when the dude really died. The only reason the Player ESP did not get a 10/10 was because I cannot get the fade to work correctly. I have tried and tried. I would like to fade out people that are further than 300m and have them slowly fade in full at 200m but I can't get the fade to work at all. Loot ESP: 6/10 The loot esp is pretty good except that the most important feature is garbage (see loot filter). I actually got the fade to work partially on this. So that is why it goes up some. A large amount of the items need to be renamed in the filter. There is no reason to be feeding us Russian Text, or super weird names for things. No matter what the items are called in the game files, they can be renamed before being fed to us. The filter REALLY needs to be fixed. Misc Features: 2/10 A lot of features have been removed since I made the first purchase. At some point I think we were given some sort of 15 days free as compensation for the removal of a huge amount of features. I am not really sure though as that was never relayed to me until much later. (This was relayed through the Cheat Update portion of the website) The list of items in the misc features is probably half or less than what it was when I first bought. However, as I understand most if not all of these were removed for safety reasons and I appreciate that. Skyhack is pretty good. No clue why we need LSD mode, never used it. Speedboost, not ever going to use it, but great to have it. NightVision, ok but I wish we had the blue version, or even the version where we act as our own light source (hint hint). No Visior, ok if you know you have to activate it, then activate night vision then turn night vision off to get it to actually work, would be nice if it just worked by checking it. Ammo counter is worthless. I go in with a 100 round mag, full, it tells me I have 3/60 What?!?!?! Long arms, worthless I have not been able to get this to work. Loot through walls, worthless, have not been able to get this to work. Fast Reload, works great, just worried about the safety of this one if someone watches a replay. Safety/Security: 10/10 So, in the 15 months I have been using this, I have only had one account banned. That was right before the 1,000+ Chod's users got banned. I was flying around (another removed feature) and was banging on the ceiling which I think triggered the ban. 100% my own fault for flying around Interchange like I was Super Man. I still run around aim botting (when it works), wiping whole maps, K/D of 20+ with no sweat, and no worries about getting my EOD banned. I don't use stuff like Auto-Unlocker, Speed Hack or any of the "super obvious" stuff, but I don't have a problem using 90% of the features. Sure it goes down, a LOT. Sure we all wish it could get put back up on weekends or late night "our" times, but in the long run keeping our accounts seems to be a top priority for Chod. Suggestions: Set up list of console commands somewhere and sticky it. Improve the default loot filters. Make changing colors and fade and fade distance a LOT easier Don't implement features until they work and work correctly. Fix the features the cheat has that do not work (ie loot filters, bullet count, aimbot that flicks AWAY from target, etc etc) Overall Weighted: 4/10 So, this was the very first cheat I have ever used. I had never even used cheat engine on single player games. Now, I had used like cheat codes for single player games and such, but this was my first bought cheat. I think the community here for the most part is great. The first year or so I was here most of the admins/mods were super cool and super helpful. Now, not so much. Chod himself has been super outstanding in my few dealings with him. The cheat has its up and its downs but overall I am not satisfied with the experience with Chod's. I know other cheats might be better and I know other cheats are definitely worse, but I think for what it is, it could be significantly better.
    3 points
  3. Bought two Gamma's, very easy to talk to trade went well. Thanks heaps!
    1 point
  4. Thank you for the review, i have to say some stuff. 1. Loot filter broke not long ago and just has to get fixed again by chod. 2. We did compensate when the old features got removed. (2 weeks) If you have feature suggestions you can add them here: https://chods-cheats.com/bugtracker/user-suggestions/20_escape-from-tarkov/
    1 point
  5. ◘ PC Specs ◘ POTATO
    1 point
  6. Please reframe from calling other members "retarded" this is uncalled for and will be a verbal warning.
    0 points
  7. 1. Loot filter has never worked properly. It has gotten worse, but it has never worked the way it should. 2. Yes, you were the one that told me about that, but as I said, that was well after the fact and never communicated to me in any way other than you telling me that in a PM. So, I have no idea if it is true or not other than your word, which I chose to believe. I am pretty sure I put in quite a few of the suggestions. Not sure though. I will check later and add some.
    0 points
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