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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/18 in all areas

  1. Oh where to start, I'll start with a thank you to chods team for making this a public, pay to play, cheat. Most developers want to keep their cheese to themselves, and i'm glad I finally found chods. So lets get to the cheese. Almost everything in the menu is functional, the aimbot works about 98% of the time, with the occasional aiming way into the sky when locking on to random players/scavs, I hear this is a common issue and it doesn't bother me to much. The ESP works phenomenally couldn't really ask for a much better one. There are so many options and filters and even a CUSTOM filter. Hands down best ESP menu I have used across all cheat clients. No-Clip does as advertised, and is kind of troll. BECAREFUL I have watched people get banned mid-game using no-clip. No-Sway and No-Recoil are my best friends, I love them. One of my favorite features of the aimbot is the friends list, you can manually change who you lock-on with aimbot, and you can even color them differently with the ESP, SUPER handy for cutting down on communications and not accidentally tapping one of them in the head if they walk infront of you. As I sit here writing this review I am going through the process of replacing my EOD account that got Grated(Banned) yesterday in the ban wave. I knew the risks going into it more than a year ago, and couldn't be more satisfied with finally getting Grated. I have had more fun in the months of playing with my friends that don't have cheats and being that "better than average" player that can help carry them, than I would have had without Chods Cheese. So without any hesitation I will slap a fat 9.5/10 on my review, .25 Points being taken away for the aimbot issues once in a blue moon, and the other .25 because I had to get my lazy ass up and write a review finally. Big thanks to the boys here, keep on cheesing lads. PS fuck you nikita
    1 point
  2. I've been here only for less than a month, but that doesn't quite matter. I've never properly introduced myself, never even wrote much on the forums as a whole and now I will do a small but pretty good introduction. Basically I come from Germany, but I'm latvian decent so basically I come from a latvian family. I have been looking for EAC cheats for CS:GO for a while now and then I came across Interwebz, I don't know if you guys work together, because the forums and how I bought looked simmiliar, but Iwebz was complete ass, no support at all, then I came across here which worked pretty well and I fixed my issues, started to play on EAC, 99DMG League, Esportal etc. I figured why in the fuck would I buy 100$ LeagueCheats, that have the same anti-cheat support as you guys, and I came here and I am not dissapointed. Basically, I am 20 years old. I've been trying to buy the supporter, donator role but as I had my Swedish VPN for Chrome enabled it triggered some algorythm in support ticket I was told, and now I need to provide some address details etc. which I dont have at the moment in real-life to get a hold of, so I will try to support you more and more, with purchasing more and more in the future. Anyways, thank you for reading this, I don't quite know if I wrote anything specific, or just bantered around for 5 minutes, but yeah - Hello, and see you later.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the review but the forum is english only. (general rule #5)
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Hunt showdown and Dead by daylight for the win please ❤️
    1 point
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