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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/18 in all areas

  1. some opener for your Rec'n cheese. Hope you like it and use it in your Footage! ? .mp4 File http://www.mediafire.com/file/dykn2zla3re3s6x/Render.mp4/file AV scan .mp4 File http://www.mediafire.com/file/lnlqj4u2akmb7an/Render2.mp4/file AV SCAN .mp4 File http://www.mediafire.com/file/2vcqwgqkd233t39/Render3.mp4 AV SCAN .mp4 File http://www.mediafire.com/file/fnmb6x89tg8wqbd/Render4.mp4/file AV SCAN .mp4 File http://www.mediafire.com/file/3imvdlzhp2wv5o4/Render5.mp4/file AV SCAN
    3 points
  2. This review is based on my experiences after thoroughly testing the cheat and being part of the Chod's community for exactly 1 week today. Red font = a statement containing factual information Green Font = a statement based on personal opinion Abstract If you want a HIGH QUALITY and SAFE cheat that you get to use OCCASIONALLY, then Chod's is the provider for you! ESP Pros: - The ESP is fully functional and has worked 100% of the time, from my experience. - The ESP drawings update in real-time with no lag, bugs, or errors (error - an error would be if the esp fed you wrong information about a player or item's location) - Draws loot location and distance. It also allows you to filter items (only provider i've found with this option available) - Provides very useful player information such as their name, distance from you, health, weapon/loadout, and the loot that they are carrying. - Shows if a player is standing, crouching, or prone - Minimal performance hit Cons: - No option to customize drawings Overall the ESP is pretty much flawless, as the one downside i mentioned doesn't even bother me at all. 10/10 FINAL ESP RATING AIMBOT Pros: - The "friends list" feature is perfect for raiding with friends. (It allows you to exclude players from your aimbot's list of targets) - The aimbot works very well.. a vast majority of the times - It will only lock on to targets that have a "Line of sight". (It will not lock on to people behind walls). This is a must-have feature for an aimbot so that you aren't flicking back and forth to every player around you while you try to walk around the map. - Has customize-able settings such as, bone structure targetting, FOV, and maximum distance to lock on. - No Recoil, No Breath, and No Sway are complete game changers for those ragers out there. Cons: - Has a weird bug where it will occasionally make your crosshairs flick away from certain players, making it impossible to even aim at them without disabling the aimbot (this bug is pretty uncommon and only seems to affect a specific player in the match. So, if "john doe" is in your raid and you encounter this bug when you try to aim at him, then you just wont be able to use your aimbot against john doe for the remainder of the raid) Just completely avoid "john doe" and you'll be fine. Other than that, the aimbot is extremely efficient. I personally use it every raid. 8/10 FINAL AIMBOT RATING MISC. FEATURES I don't really use these features that often, but most of them do work properly. CANNOT RATE DUE TO LACK OF TESTING UPTIME First, you need to understand how this works in this community. Every time BSG releases ANY sort of update, the cheat is disabled until Chod investigates the update and deems it is safe to use the cheat. It is done for your own protection. That being said, this seems to be a very touchy topic in this community, so I will leave you with straight facts. No opinions (i don't want to get attacked by hordes of toxic keyboard warriors) Pros: - Because chod and the mods are so vigilant about disabling the cheat when necessary, the cheat is very safe - Downtime brings the whole community together to mourn in the chat box Cons: - While I appreciate the safety that it provides, nobody can deny that downtime sucks - Also, nobody can deny that there is a lot of downtime - Downtime is compensated IF AND ONLY IF the duration of the downtime exceeds 24 hours. While Chod sometimes gives a little extra time when he does compensate for downtime, this still does ultimately leave you with less subscription time than if downtime was compensated at a 1 to 1 ratio. Since my subscription began one week ago, on October 1, 12:47 p.m, I have kept a very strict log of downtime and time compensation. Here are my findings: October 1st - cheese works fine October 2nd - cheese is down for 8 hours. No compensation received. October 3rd - cheese works fine October 4th - cheese is down for 17 hours. No compensation received. October 5th - cheese is fixed for a few hours. Goes down again at 2 p.m (EST time). Cheese is down for 67 hours until it was fixed this morning, October 8. Received 71 hour compensation to my subscription. TOTAL COMPENSATION RECEIVED: 71 hours TOTAL DOWNTIME: 92 hours SUBSCRIPTION TIME LOST DUE TO DOWNTIME: 21 hours TOTAL TIME AS A PAYING CUSTOMER OF CHOD'S: 160 hours DOWNTIME/UPTIME RATIO: (92/160 = 0.575) - cheese is down 57.5% of the time I have been a member here. DISCLAIMER: THESE CALCULATIONS ARE PROVIDED WITH A 95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL. CALCULATIONS MAY BE OFF BY A COUPLE HOURS While the cheese is disabled more often than it is functional it is done to keep us safe. Also, due to the nature of the compensation system in place, you will most likely LOSE subscription time due to downtime, even if Chod gives a little extra time when he does compensate. 2/10 FINAL UPTIME RATING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.3/10 FINAL AVERAGE RATING ( [9/10 + 8/10 + 2/10] / 3) = 0.633
    3 points
  3. I agree with pretty much everything you say here. Downtime does suck but I feel it’s an unavoidable reality of cheating. My first months subscription to Chod’s was from June 29th until almost the end of September. Meaning that the cheat had roughly a 1/3 uptime.
    2 points
  4. I guess i'm talking to wall, have a good one. Maybe you should learn to discuss properly instead of accusing me of arguing like a children. I just told you that we are not able to compensate single hours.
    1 point
  5. This feels good to read. Would love to be able to use the product as much as possible, and it's nice to hear the admins respond to the community!
    1 point
  6. Very good review. Prospective buyers of the cheese should definitely read this one. <50% uptime on a subscription based program MIGHT be acceptable if it was being properly compensated, but I've had the same experience-- cheese is down more than half the time, and you only get ~3/4 of it compensated. I understand and appreciate the need for security, but the cheese is never up on weekends when I actually have time to play the game.
    1 point
  7. So i'll preface this by saying I purchased Chod's EFT hack literally as the ban wave happened so BSG didn't smite me there. The nuke was followed by a rather "long" downtime being ~2 weeks if I'm remembering it correctly. The downtime is your ONLY worry (which shouldn't be, because time is compensated) here but from my experience if it goes down it is for your own good. Can some of the downtime be lengthy? Sure, but again its to protect the customers and it only seems lengthy because we're all having that good of a time while using the cheese. Cheat Feature Ratings ESP Shows boxes and/or skeleton Can show weapon being carried Shows health of player Makes looting insanely fast and easy with custom loot filters The "bones" of the skeleton are very well done FINAL RATING : 9/10 AIMBOT Allows to lock to all body parts (Head,Neck,Chest,Stomach,R.Arm,L.Arm,R.Leg,L.Leg Tracks targets very smoothly only locking on when clear LOS is apparent Can't aim through fences/windows and objects alike Will not lead, so shots 100M plus on a moving target are hit or miss Experienced many times when aimbot would fling my screen in a direction while trying to use (very annoying) FINAL RATING : 5/10 MISC. FEATURES Auto Unlock will unlock all doors whether you have the key or not with no sound queue or action Teleport loot is broken as far as I know only working in OFFLINE mode Speed hack can't go wrong also allows you to adjust speed Noclip is weird I've never really fucked with it just to give myself a sense of security from BSG Unlimited sprint works as intended although I've found jumping will still lower stamina and ADSing will stop the regeneration but not lower Due note I've only been here for 2 short months and I've seen the Misc. Features change or get removed all in general a couple times FINAL RATING : 8/10 MOST if not a majority of features from Chod you WILL NOT see from another provider. The security alone should draw you to this cheat but if not I hope you will take my review into consideration before deciding on a purchase! RED = a bad quality GREEN = a good quality both being in MY opinion
    1 point
  8. Hey, Everybody, So As the title says I'm playing 2 years in EFT, I've tried every single glitch/lifehack in EFT, I've saved the best ones as the last ones, My last thing in the list is trying premium cheats.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Right, but that doesn't make water wet...Wetness happens when it comes into contact with another material that is can adhere to! You proved my point, thanks.
    1 point
  11. Well i still like the official one But yeah those two are pretty good
    1 point
  12. Alright, this discussion will stop here. Thread locked.
    0 points
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