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Game: Rust

Engine: Unity / AC: EAC

Reason: Because the Community is very toxic. Cheats for this game are rare and you will have a huge amount of customers (if the cheat will be public). Also I want some guys asses to be kicked... would definitely buy for a price at 50gbp max.


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27 minutes ago, FuckNikita said:

stop speaking french in this forum!!!!


so sorry that you read french when i answer on the other hand that i translate for my by the pages in french so when i answer, i answer in english because it is an english forum ONLY but my translator translates only message called me answer calm yourself new kid who comes out of nowhere and rather shares a game that you will enjoy instead of shouting like a 10 year old noob.

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I don't know if Chods every had a PUBG cheat or if its a work in progress but yeah a PUBG cheat would be awesome too.

PS: The title of this website says "Premium online game cheats for PUBG and CSGO - Chod's Cheats". Even though both aren't here...:D

Edited by XtC__
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Game: Elite Dangerous

Engine: Own engine, but susceptible to cheat engine (had a basic free working trainer)

Reason: Medium sized but very focused & mature community, lucrative as not too many updates. 

Edited by Serotonin
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Anti afk bot for classic WoW LOLOLOLOLO


Seriously though

1. Name of the Game - Gears 5
2. Name of the Engine - Unreal 4 and they do have anticheat
3. Why you want to have a cheat for it - Theres really no one offering cheats for it at the moment the ones saying they have it are lieing and it doesn't work/gets you insta banned. Theres probably some good money to be made in making one especially of the caliber that you guys here make the cheats.

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1. War Thunder
2. Dagor Engine

3. I have yet to find a good cheat for War Thunder and it's in high demand atm. Because as you know, War Thunder isn't noob friendly. After about an hour of playing you get thrown in with experience players. If I find a cheat it always looks dodgy and ain't got very good protection/features. So should Chod create a cheat for it, it will bring in many customers. It also uses Easy Anti-Cheat.

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Hello everyone,

I think that asking the same game 15 times each is not necessary, to this requester if certain takes the time to read the message or if he is blind, do not take it personally but it will be simpler to answer a post already posted for the same game as to extend the same list of games all the same ...

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1 hour ago, SugoiBoi777 said:

Que diriez-vous de vous concentrer sur Tarkov au lieu de demander de nouvelles idées?


Hi sir,


i think it focuses well on Tarkov, I don't think that's the problem but rather a good choice to ask if the community wants the car suite if you want Tarkov only, others want Hunt: Shodown, Rust or DayZ ...

I think he does that to go in the best direction possible and satisfy as many people as possible. I really think that EFT will come back soon, just stop Rage like kids, you should think about security like Chod's and teamwork, because good security is less likely to be detected and can be Ban. So I believe that if he asks is justified and he wants to know which way to go to satisfy the greatest number.


Sincerely, Eracknys.

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AGREE with @Westy

Game ; Arma 3

 Name of the Engine ; Bohemia Interactive's Real Virtuality game engine.

 Why you want to have a cheat for it ; Arma 3 is huge for PvP and could gather some amount of new customers. 
Totally agree there is only scammer cheat supporters only few private legit one espensive as shit and not protected/updated. so ARMA 3 will be huge deal if its comes to get even ESP ETC on it as many people searching for arma3 cheats.  

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Game: APB Reloaded

Engine: Unreal

Current Anti-cheat: Easy Anti Cheat 


Its a small game, not what it used to be, but its very competitive, there is if you are good at the game, you are known, all the good players, tryhard clans, cheaters, cheater clans, know of or have heard of one another, and everyone loves making a name for themselves in the game, not too many cheaters around anymore, there were a lot of cheaters when there was PunkBuster and Fair Fight, but they added and then replaced Battleye with EAC currently, and all cheats are private cheats now, with few cheaters, so few that you will most likely know which cheater they are even on new characters from their name style, clothes, clan tag, etc. 


The community is very competitive, i heard recently there is some Russian group of players hosting a APB tournament, winner gets 200 Euro, a lot of the good players are doing skirmishes with each other and trying to make teams, with obviously cheaters trying to join in, but apparently they have some ways to check.


i simply want to cheat on the game, and also destroy some of the few cheater clans which will be fun, also Little Orbit took over the game in 2018, they have been updating about the improvements and such, perhaps in 2020 there will be bigger upgrades to the game. 

Cheating in the most competitive games, are the most fun :)

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