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Game: Elite Dangerous: Beyond

Anticheat: Not sure

Engine: COBRA Engine


I still really enjoy this game, but it is beyond punishing in some regards. There have been cheat trainers in the past for it, and they have always made gameplay infinitely more enjoyable, even for non-gamebreaking cheats that are more of quality of life kind of stuff, like skipping animations or timers. The problem is, many of these trainers were very soon discovered and accounts get banned after use. I believe if anyone out there could make a fool-proof undetected cheat for the game, it would be Chod's!

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1. Name of the Game
- Dead Mater 

2. Name of the Engine

-Unreal Engine 4
3. Why you want to have a cheat for it

- This game isn't even out yet. It will be coming out mid 2020. This will be a very hot game and be a very good source of income for Chod. 

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Game: Hunt showdown

Engine: Cryengine 

Why: Almost no one offers this, and would bring a lot of customers as multiple people have already posted this. Even just an ESP for players would be perfect for everyone to use. I'd happily pay $40/month for Chod and his team to touch this game up and I'm sure others would love that opportunity as well.


I know Feary said to only react, but you can only react once per day and it was already used so multiple postings have to be listed.

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1. Destiny 2

2. Bungies proprietary Engine

3. Proprietary AC after moving away from Battlenet


It may be mostly PVE centered, but there was (or is again soon) a huge PVP community which was very competitive and it's free to play so there are enough potential customers and it looks like there aren't many D2 Cheats available, so there's a new and  fairly unsaturated market for a game with huge concurrent player count. (especially chinese/asian area)


Destiny 2 Steam Playercount


1. Squad 

2. Unreal Engine 4

3. EAC


Not really sure about this, because the playercount is relatively small and the game is still in Beta, but it can be competitive and many people who haven't heard from something like Arma take it very serious, so there is a small but possible market for this game.

Edited by paddyy
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Game: World of Warcraft

AC: Warden

Engine: ?


I would like a cheat with combat rotations for both pve and pvp. I would want a cheat cause im tired of all the boosting services and i would like to be good enough to push my own m+ keys and get gladiator in arena. I dont know how hard it is to make this but honorbuddy got taken out of business so this might be scary idk.


i stumbled across something from 2013 and it was from a guy called Vitalic Elite Rogue, and he retired i think or Blizzard scared him away. But if you guys can make something like this it would be insane. And im sure your customer base would notice it and start using it aswell.


Anyways just an idea that will never be :)

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8 hours ago, Aihacker said:

1.  Nom du jeu

- Star Citizen
2. Nom du moteur 

- Lumberyard AWS
3.  Pourquoi vous voulez avoir une triche pour cela

- Savez-vous même combien d'argent les gens dépensent dans ce jeu. Un montant irréel. Des dizaines de milliers de dollars. Pensez simplement au nombre de personnes qui achèteraient cela. Si vous faites ça, j'investirais des milliers de dollars.  

Hi sir, I do not think that using a cheese in this game is worth it, it is a huge game which already requires a lot of development time and where no cheese exists or at least not works, I do not know the engine nor the AC but it does not win so well that it drives their game on demand too much, it is constantly looking for Donations and adding new vessels always more expensive to bail out the boxes ... Besides the game is not over , if you need a cheat for this game here then Chod will leave his life to make us a good Framage, I have no doubt but not that it will last, and be sure that the demand is strong enough ? Because it is not because people spend real fortune in a game that it spends as much as the cheat could make them all lose ...

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24 minutes ago, Tankred said:

1 / Fortnite
2 / Unreal Engine 4
3 / Peu importe ce que les gens disent que c'est un jeu sympa, en plus c'est gratuit, donc avoir un compte interdit secondaire n'est pas trop frustrant.

In any case if to use a Cheese a few days or a few weeks to be banned afterwards and create infinite accounts? what interest ? explain to me ? even for a free game, it is even more annoying I find because a game to which everyone has access which does not absolutely filter People, they have a good AC and according to what I heard recently they are suing the supplier of cheeses in court, in my opinion this game is not worth it ...

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8 hours ago, Aihacker said:

1.  Nom du jeu
- Dead Mater 

2. Nom du moteur 

-Unreal Engine 4
3.  Pourquoi vous voulez avoir une triche pour cela

- Ce jeu n'est même pas encore sorti. Il sortira mi 2020. Ce sera un jeu très chaud et une très bonne source de revenus pour Chod. 


To be continued, but there is still a lot of work to be done ... To be tested when the game is released, I myself will be in a position to do so. After it's sight, seen and seen again, Apocalypse zombie, its reminds me of Miscreated, but to see.

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19 hours ago, seraph221 said:

Cela peut sembler stupide, mais des histoires de survivants d'infestation

Anticheat: punkbuster / fairfight, je suis presque sûr.  

Pourquoi ? C'est un jeu amusant et gratuit, mais avec des mécanismes PvP de conneries, il serait amusant de simplement dôme les campeurs paresseux. 


hi sir, infestation survivor stories is dead, they have shut down all their servers a few years ago now, if need be or it could be interesting, it's for the game Infestation: The NewZ, it's the same ISS created by the cheater who destroyed The Warz, he has an anticheat which is really bad Game: Infestation: The NewZ AC: FAC Fredaikis Engine: Steam ... IDK Big Pay to Win!

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Il y a 19 heures, Robin W a déclaré:

1.  Nom du jeu: COD: Modern Warfare
2. Nom du moteur: idk 3. Pourquoi vous voulez avoir une triche pour cela: Il semble que le genre de jeu que les gens jetteraient leur moniteur par la fenêtre. 



Develop par Infinity Ward , je ne suis pas le nom de celui-ci, quelqu'un?

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1. call of duty modern warfare
2. infinity ward
3. because it can be done and there already alot of them around but chods is the best!


1. hired ops


3. its not that advanched game so it whilll be fun and i believe its from BSG development!>?

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Game: Insurgency: Sandstorm

Engine: Unreal engine

Reason: it's still a relatively popular game with little to no cheats for it on the market, just looking on forums for a few minutes you can see there is very good demand for cheat but no offering.. Chod would be amazing on this game, I would definitely go back to playing it if there was a good cheat for it.

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Game: Hunt: Showdown

Engine: Crye Engine

Anticheat: EAC


Small comunity but about 90% of them searching endlessly for a cheat, no one make it atm.

Simple ESP is more than great for this game, please consider that because chods cheat could have the monopoly on this game.


pros for chod's:

-easy money 

-monopoly on this game

-lot of players looking for this cheat

Edited by Killa
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5 hours ago, Eracknys said:

In any case if to use a Cheese a few days or a few weeks to be banned afterwards and create infinite accounts? what interest ? explain to me ? even for a free game, it is even more annoying I find because a game to which everyone has access which does not absolutely filter People, they have a good AC and according to what I heard recently they are suing the supplier of cheeses in court, in my opinion this game is not worth it ...

I never said it's ok to be banned, but it's still less frustrating. Plus, you can level your main by playing duo with the cheating account. It's cheaper to develop. Dev don't have to buy multiple accounts to replace the one bans during development.

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