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Everything posted by Bobwhisker

  1. Sea of thieves was really fun to cheat in because having ship esp means you are almost always doing combat. Usually the game can get stale because you cant find players, but with a cheat its really fun. I like to play aggressive and steal other people's hard-earned treasure. It is a pirate gane afterall.
  2. Realm royale is protected by EAC which just got a major update to security, they are working on it.
  3. yes, security above all. Love the stance the team has here. ☺️
  4. Bobwhisker

    help !

    What do you mean by turn off your bios?
  5. I know the cheat is currently down and im not really that good but if anyone wants to play let me know. Thanks
  6. Nice to meet you Tourin, unfortunately i dont play Sea of Thieves any more. Wishing you well
  7. Click on the tab at the top that says store. If you are on mobile the store button may be bugged, at least it is for me. On mobile i have to view the site in desktop version.
  8. It is insane the quality of customer service offered here at chod's, a website which sells cheats. I have been a member since last November and in that time span I have seen nothing but goodwill from this company's devoted staff and developers. Chod's willingness to put the safety of customers over profit is something so refreshing to see these days, a company which you can actually feel cares for their customers. I don't want this post to sound too much like an advertisement but more-so a message to the Chod's staff and developers that we DO see and are greatful for the passion you put into this, and for every person who comes to this site to tear you down there are are 100 more who support your work. Take your time on the updates guys, Heres to your continued success in this industry ?.
  9. I like the idea of having different versions for some games. for instance one version which is non-invite and open to the public but less secure. and one version open only to those invited. Of course this would only work in games that would support mulitple methods of cheating. it may also make it more complicated to keep updated.
  10. I've always enjoyed cheating in FPS games like Paladins or battlefield because I generally have crappy aim. lol. Some games make it really hard to cheat though and still look legit like Valorant. The Sea of thieves cheat offered here was great because there was no way to spectate me and I never was worried about being banned. Sometimes though trying not to get caught is part of the thrill for me. Anyways I was wondering what kind of games the people of Chod's like cheating in the most and why.
  11. Hello Flye, Chod's makes the best cheats I have ever used, hope you enjoy your time here and welcome.
  12. *Aimbot 10/10 -aimbot works great. Prediction is an amazing feature! -Fov and smoothing options make it easy to look like you are playing legit. *ESP 10/10 -Works perfectly *Safety 10/10 -I have used this cheat for over a week(sometimes being more obvious than I should) and I have not had any bans or warnings.
  13. Aimbot- 10/10 -The aimbot works really well for this cheat and the ability to assign it to any key really sets it above others. The smoothing and FOV options make it very easy to look like you are playing legit. ESP- 10/10 -This ESP works great and I haven't noticed a single issue while using it. Price- 10/10 -This cheat is priced well and I haven't been able to find one for less.
  14. For what it's worth I am on 20H2 and the cheats work well with Paladins and Realm Royale. I cannot guarantee they will work for you though as Xpi says it is not supported.
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