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Everything posted by crowszero

  1. crowszero


    if its all about csgo its all the same It's Easy to use Why? you can configure out yourself anyways its not hard the different's is Normal Cheese CS:GO CS:GO Cheese With Stream Proof That You Go to Live no one will know you using cheese AND EAC CS:GO Cheese Which you can play on Easy Anti Cheat League
  2. crowszero


    Your Welcome here Enjoy Staying
  3. That's Great Buddy
  4. You can buy directly here if you want too
  5. Welcome Bud Feel Free to Ask someone here Enjoy
  6. Lucky Entries @CantThinkOfName - 116 @riothead45 - 7 @Dr. Snif - 42 @Sellier -101 @sr2467 -44 CONGRATS cTON Stay Tuned I Will Giveaway Again Not Now But Soon With Something Else
  7. CLOSED After 1 hour i will post a video here
  8. You Can't Get Them Unless ^ Above Read it
  9. Wait for Someone i can't give you because they remove invite people for us or @Faceless give him the Discord Link
  10. Someone Already Picked that number owni pick that number already
  11. It's Only 1-250 You're Out of Range
  12. ill be checking time to time for new enteries to save it in my notepad
  13. Okay this is my first time to do a giveaway a fresh Pubg Account thru G2A.com It's Very Simple All you need to pick a number from 1-250 Everyone can join!! i will use random.org to pick the lucky Five 5 Lucky Users I will roll with this " http://wheeldecide.com/ " And The Wheel Decide who gonna win the fresh pubg account Okay so The Drawn Will be 05/01/2018 so everyone goodluck you have 4 days to enter
  14. Someone just Beat cToN its @Dr. Snif check scroll up
  15. oh i thought they can use a prepaid well im so sorry i didnt know that
  16. i think your country have a prepaid visa card that reloadable http://www.brazilmoneycard.com/ https://www.card.com/brazil/ https://www.what-prepaid-card.co.uk/account-types/brazilian-real-card like my country we also have prepaid visa / master card called paymaya a reloadable card just try what i listed above
  17. Still now no Winner Goodluck to all who want's to challenge @CantThinkOfName i hope you guys can beat cToN
  18. They always online like on/off everyday if you like to have some question join the discord there's a Moderator's always to help you with any problems you have and try to use the chatbox on forum they will reply you there if not the admins the mods will
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