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Everything posted by crowszero

  1. Hello you can check it all on " product information " below what benefits you will get
  2. Welcome to the community
  3. Hello, You Can do it from " Member Area "
  4. There's too many bugs yet im gonna play that soon if they fix all of it like you are in the quest you kill the monster for 2hrs lol
  5. a warning due to capslock in the chatbox for 1 day
  6. Welcome to the community
  7. Welcome to the Community Enjoy!
  8. Name: Ivan Location: Japan / Phillipines Currently In Japan What you do(work/school..): For the Meantime i have no work so i can fully do a 15/7 duty if i get a work i can fully do at night for 7hrs/7 Age:27 Languages:English/Tagalog Online for x hours a day: more than 10~ 15 hrs/day Experience with our products: CSGO for 2yrs And EFT 1month of using this Relevant experience: i help some of new users and guide them also like how to use the cheat where do start it i give them the exact links so they don't ask more of what issue they have and if they still having problem i still help them to fix the issue i love helping new/old players that having issues Why you think you would be good for this position: i think its fit me to help someone with all i know here and keeps learning in a new ways ofc thats all Anything else: btw thank you that in the past 3 yrs till now and the future this community i will stay forever since im searching before and keeps searching i found this website that keep me safe at all i <3 the friendly Moderators Administrators and specially Dex Emi And The Owner Chods i also have new moderator friends like cton faceless sniff
  9. You Both really didn't Know That VIP is " TRUSTED "
  10. The Only Thing is https://chods-cheats.com/faq/ i've been 3years here so yea not yet invited if they see you have potential of being trusted they will contact you thru PM
  11. crowszero


    You're Welcome Here Enjoy Your Stay
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