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About Speedy123

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  1. ive noticed this too. indeed its time to panic
  2. i love the eft cheat and if its possible to bring it back then bring it back!
  3. ooooooooooo soon i lost my access to discord very sad
  4. geez i buy sicc case and thicc for 10$
  5. they took it down to investigate
  6. Well I raged on my account and haven’t been banned for 3+ months
  7. From what ive read i would love to see an esp released at the same price. When you add more features we can pay per feature and the staff could then figure out what features are not needed and focus more on the popular features like (speed, unlock, aim, night vision, etc...) Thanks for all the updates and i cant wait until you release just the basics!! and btw ive heard of people from the tarkov Reddit snooping around cheat providers websites and getting people banned so beware!!
  8. if its 100$ im not paying ill just play legit lol
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